Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reading Entry 4

* Please post all your comments/reviews on the articles that you had read in the comment column.


tidehunter said...

I have read the article 'Can i actually make a difference?' by Chris Soames. The article is about the right method to choose your volunteering work. He talk about everything from the best way to volunteer until the bad outcomes that could happen if it was not to be handle in the right way. Before this, i thought if it was a volunteer work, i could just pick anything from anywhere. It would not make much difference because after all, it is a charity. I could not be more wrong. It is as equally important as the work itself for you to choose the activities that most suit you, that you think that you can make a bigger difference in. So, the point, i learned that no matter how small something appear to be, it is advisable for us to take it seriously no matter what. After all, we do the things that we did mostly for ourself.

Mohd Khairil Hafizi bin Khairolazar

noR haFriZ binTi aBd haLiL said...
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noR haFriZ binTi aBd haLiL said...
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noR haFriZ binTi aBd haLiL said...

i have read the article about LOVE. The article is about meaning of Love.Love is any number of emotions or experiences related to a sense of strong affection and attachment. The word love can refer to a variety of different feelings,states and attitudes. Love just not for person that have relationship with different gender. Love usually refers to a deep, inffable feeling of tenderly caring for other person.


Bel said...
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Calvin said...

Here I am again, this time, I'm gonna comment on an email that I have received and read last week. The tile of this email, "Story Of A Great Hooker". Guys, interesting is it? Wait till you read it yourself.
I think what Xia (a prostitute) had did for the school student is much more than words can ever say. Imagine can yourself being Xia, after being raped, could you be thinking of your school matters rather than yourself? For example things like, would I ever be able to get married after this horrifying incident, how am I gonna face my family/the society,etc etc...things like that. Not to mention,she even went into that 'business' after that incident and for what?!? She did it for the sake of making sure her school students are able to continue their studies!!
Xia really change my mind about prostitutes. Majority of the women would never choose to have a career like this. And there are among prostitutes whom do not have any choices. Remember that among them, there's always a possibility that you can find another Xia. Although she is just a hooker, she is more clean and saint than any of us. In this cold and dirty society, what she gave to the students are what many of us couldn't, that is true love and kindness that knows no boundaries.

(source: my email)

Calvin Lee Weng Leong

shikin said...

The article that I have read is about global warming. Global warming is the observed and projected increase in the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere and oceans. Now, the world already faced about global warming and some people thinks that this course did not harmful but it is very dangerous to human. There are five factors o global warming, such as planets temperatures, pollution, and deforestation. Besides that, when the temperatures of earth are increase, then the green house will be occur and many of creatures in earths will die because of high temperatures. Pollution will occur when human do their activity such as, heavy industry emits carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, ozone and other gases. This gases is very harmful to human and may decrease our atmosphere. So that, the suns ray will attack more and more to our world and may course dangerous to human. Deforestation also included to global warming factor because according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), deforestation occurs at a rate of 53,000 square per mile. If we don’t have enough trees then the oxygen gases will decrease. There are more than 50 thing’s that can reduce global warming for example, lowering your thermostat, choose the efficiencies appliance, and taking showers instead of bath. In conclusion, global warming is very harmful to human, and as a person we should find some ways to control global warming from become dangerous and destroy our earth.

Norashikin binti Nor Tuah

Bel said...

I have read an article from the wikipedia about anorexia mirabilis. Usually we just heard about anorexia nervosa instead of anorexia mirabilis. It refers mostly to women and girls of the Middle Ages who would starve themselves, sometimes to death, in the name of God. What on earth are they trying to do?? Here I comes with the differences between these anorexia. In anorexia nervosa, people usually starve themselves to attain a level of thinness, as the disease is associated with body image distortion. By contrast, anorexia mirabilis was frequently coupled with other ascetic practices, such as lifelong virginity, flagellant behavior, and sleeping on beds of thorns It was largely a practice of Catholic women, who were often known as "miraculous maids". There are so many famous case of anorexia mirabilis such as who ate nothing but a spoonful of herbs a day. Any additional food she was forced to eat she would expunge with a twig or small branch pushed down her throat.This eating disorder is same as bulimia.Some of them fasted extensively for three-day periods, and would chew five orange seeds, representing the five wounds of their God.They supposedly think wisely before taking any actions although they did this for the name of God.



furious fiez said...

I have read an article about deodorant.The deodorant is the substances applied to the body mainly to reduce body odor which is causes by the bacterial breakdown of perspiration.However,without we realize it also can give negative impact to our health.The aluminium neurotoxicity that contain in the deodorant can affects the blood-brain barrier,capable of causing DNA damage and adverse epigenetic effects.Besides that,the aluminium chloride in antiperspirants get into the bloodstream or accumulate in breast tissue.They,emulate the effects of estrogen which stimulates the growth cancerous breast cells.I think this is very serious problems,however our community have very weak awareness about this problem.My opinion we should make more research and produce the deodorant that safe to our health,for example make deodorant from herbs or natural material.I think the biotechnologist should do something.



Cheyah said...

I just read an article about Eye On Electronics. From the article, I realise that many systems on today’s vehicles enhance safety, without direct input from the owner. Actually, many aspects must we take to improve our safety. A new Ford system now lets the owner decide how various vehicle systems operate, based on who’s driving. For example, electronic stability control (ESC) will save as many as 8000 lives per year. When dangerous conditions are sensed, the software can order a reduction in engine output and selective braking of individual wheels to stop a potential skid from happening. Then, Ford also has a technology called My Key. This technology is an effort for parent to make sure that it’s not possible for the kids to make some mistakes like busy talking on the cell phone when they should be focused on driving. Each new vehicle will come with standard keys for the adult owner and an extra, software-programmable key for the young drivers. My Key can limit vehicle use in many ways, depending on how it’s programmed. Parent will be able to program the vehicle limits on vehicle speed and usage. With the My Key system also, the low-fuel warning light and chime is turned on sooner. Next, one feature is called Persistent Beltminder with Audio Mute. For adults, the belt reminder chime will eventually quit even if the belt is not buckled. For young drivers, it will continue to sound once a minute until the belt is hooked up. Whether there is a charge or as a part of new-vehicle setup, the result could be improved usage of a system designed to save the lives. I hope in the future, we can invent more other safety programmes to reduce road accident and fatality.

(Source: )


FaRhAH Za'Ba said...

i was read an article about Childhood Friendships. this article says that these relationships are vital to child’s well-being and growth as a human being.Special friend can be helped along or a wedge can be placed between them by the parents.A child who is a truly bad influence on other child will need to be shunned. But, The children who are good influences on child should be invited over often. moreover, don't forget to treat their buddies with the same respect you would expect the children to treat your friends. I think, this article is good for everybody, because some of us has brothers and sisters and we also will get a children in the future!


fakhriah said...

I have read an article about the general concept of art.Art is the process or product deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the serves or emotions.

In my opinion, art is good for our life. We can express our emotion or our opinion in form of painting,song and also in form of story.Many among people now have their wrong interpret about art. They thought art is just only about entertainment.This is totally wrong, this is because they did'nt know the trully meaning of art. In architecture for example, the designers must know the suitable shape and pattern of the building that he/she want to build so that he/she can design the perfect one. All this is about art actually.Due to this, art is good for our life because able giving much advantage and our life will be filled joy...=)


nas said...

These are my comments towards biomass. Biomass (biofuel) derived from living organisms. But, biomass can also come from waste plant material. It is renewable source of energy unlike any other natural resources. Biomass has many usage as it produce power, heat, steam and also provide fuel. Not only that, biomass also produced agricultural products like corn, switchgrass and soybeans in United States. There are also another agricultural products produced in other country using biomass: sugar cane in Brazil, palm oil and miscanthus in South-East Asia, sorghum and cassava in China, jatropha and pongamia pinnata in India, pongamia pinnata in Australia and the tropics. Hemp has also been proven to work as a biofuel. On the other hand, he use of biomass fuels can therefore contribute to waste management as well as fuel security and help to prevent global warming, though alone they are not a comprehensive solution to these problems. Biomass also used as liquid fuels for transportation. In some countries biodiesel is less expensive than conventional diesel.

Siti Nur Ain Salleh~ FA09045, FA03

SarahMaisarah said...

Color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Much has been studied and written about color and its impact on our daily lives.
The shade of yellow determines the meaning.Yellow means joy and happiness. People of high intellect favor yellow. Yellow daffodils are a symbol of unrequited love. Sunday's color is yellow-gold.

Affects on the brain:-

Known to relieve depression, improve memory and is also known to stimulate one’s appetite.Yellow can enhance concentration and speed up one’s metabolism.
Irritation can be caused when too bright a yellow is used in decoration of the home.
Studies show that Adults may become irrational and children can become weepy when in a room that is painted in a very bright shade.



Anonymous said...

How to improve eyesight without any surgery? There are many ways to improve our eyesight, for example are wearing glasses and also by plastic surgery. Plastic surgery cost us a lot of money, it may burden us. Palming, swinging and sunning are ways to enhance vision.Palming,Cup your eyes with your palms so as to block out the light. Do not press on your eyes. Keep your eyes covered for about 10 minutes and try to imagine complete darkness and relax your eyes.While swinging involves swaying your body gently from side to side while standing up and focusing on a distant object. You have to let your eyes blink throughout the process. This helps to reduce the rigidity of your eyes and relaxes them too. About a 100 swings a day are adequate. Lastly is sunning which Raise your head to the sun with your eyes shut. Breathe deeply and slowly. After sunning your eyes, relax them further by palming for a couple of minutes. Sunning should only be done in the morning or evening and not in the afternoon when the sun is at its harshest. This technique will help to reduce your sensitivity to light and also enhance the sharpness of your eyes.Those method shows to us eyes surgery not the only solution to our vision problem.

Source :

Rabbiatul Addawiyyah Bt Ahmad Bustaman
Section : M08

mira said...

Hello everyone!! On this section I would like to share with all of you guys about the symptoms of H1N1 and how we can prevent the virus. Most people with the flu recover within one to two weeks without treatment. However, serious complications of the flu can occur. If your breath had shorten or difficulty breathing, purple or blue discoloration of the lips, pain or pressure in the chest or abdomen, signs of dehydration (dizziness when standing, not passing urine, or in infants, lack of tears when crying), confusion or less responsiveness than usual, seizures or convulsions and severe vomiting or unable to keep fluids down contact your healthcare provider immediately.
From my observation, we can’t prevent H1N1 flu but we can lower the odds of infection with some attention and be mindful of personal hygiene. There are many way that we can do to prevent this influenza disease and affect to myself. Firstly, we wash our hand often and thoroughly. A quick rinse with no soap actually adds more germs from the sink that we use. We can use anti-bacterial soap and concentrate on the area under our nails. It is a good general practice but in flu season it’s a priority.
Secondly, we must carry the hand sanitizing gel anywhere that we want to go. It’s because the germs can be at anywhere and anyplace. We must always have this sanitizing gel to disease the virus. Sanitizing gel is contains alcohol, alcohol is usually prevent to kill germs on contact. Thirdly, we can try to avoid close contact with sick people and stop at all visiting to any parts of the world that are infected the H1N1. Even though this is very basic step but we know if I don’t do this, the virus will disease immediately and effect on us.



Cicadas said...

Chelsea is one of the top 4 in Barclays Premier Leagues.Their performance in football had make great impact in chasing the trophy with other football club that is Manchester United,Arsenal and Liverpool.Chelsea also is home for star player such as Micheal Ballack,Lampard,Essien and many more.With this player and outstanding new coach,Carlo Ancelotti,not possible that Chelsea can win the trophy this year.


Muhamad Ridzuan Bin Ali Khan
Section 1

JeeJian said...

I just read an article about the dinosaurs which were extinct about 65 million years ago. Dinosaurs were prehistoric reptiles. Dinosaurs were the dominant vertebrate animals on Earth from the late Triassic period (about 230 million years ago) until the end of the Cretaceous period (65 million years ago), which was about 160 million years ago. In this article, due to the 1861 discovery of the primitive bird Archaeopteryx, most paleontologists today regarded birds as the only surviving dinosaurs and suggested that dinosaurs and birds should be classified into one biological class. Most scientists agreed that an impact event of a meteorite on Earth was the primary cause of dinosaurs’ extinction. Some other scientists got their own theory on dinosaur extinction, that is the Earth's temperature and the atmosphere's composition changed drastically during the Mesozoic. So, which is the factor do you think that causes the dinosaur extinction?

(Source: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Ong Jee Jian

law said...

I have read the article about Second generation (proton saga). This article is about the condition of the new saga. The price of proton saga is the cheapest Proton once. People who are low income can be affording to buy the new saga. It will make a person reduce their burden when the second generation cars occur. Proton saga has two version that is auto and manual. Fuel economy is very good, ranging from approximately 6 L/100 km (47 mpg-imp; 39 mpg-US) for the manual transmission to 6.2 L/100 km (46 mpg-imp; 38 mpg-US). Top speed is around 160 km/h) and 0-100 km/h time is about 16 seconds. , the car was voted as the "Best People's Car" at the Asian Auto - VCA Auto Industry Award 2008.


law wai kit

Freedom said...
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Freedom said...
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Freedom said...
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Freedom said...

Another very unique culture from Japan--Cosplay, is a dream comes true for many people. Most of the costumes from an anime, whether it is traditional, present time or future are overwhelmed with creativity and innovation. For most people, to be able to blend in their favorite character or costume is their ultimate priority and they are willing to do what's required for it, including designing and sewing the costumes. Much effort is put in such as the amount of time (usually few months) plus high budget (about few hundred to thousand ringgits) to make a premium-graded costume.

Malaysia is still a beginner in cosplaying and I haven't witness a real cosplayer before, until now I had only able to catch glimpses of them from newspaper, magazine and the internet, but I am confident to say that even you are not a fan of anime or you have no idea what character they are portraying, a few clicks from your hand phone is inevitable, believe me!!!



Dams3l said...

The article that i have read was about phobia. actually phobia is referred to strong and persistent fear of certain situation,activities, things and people. Usually the phobia person shows their fear when they try to avoid the feared subjects.Based on the article, study found that most of the phobias were the most common mental illness among women in all age group while men older than 25 are among the second most illness.the major role which develop the anxiety disorder, phobias and panic attacks are include heredity, genetics and brain chemistry associated with life experience.


SB09014 (section 2)

mei yin said...

An experimental research by the UCLA found that with drugs, electrical stimulation and regular exercises all combined together could make paralysed rats be able to walk or run again while supporting their full weight on a treadmill. With this research, regeneration of severed nerve fibers is no longer needed to heal these rats.
Without needing the impulse from the brain, the nerve circuits that contained in the spinal cord could generate rhythmic activity to drive the muscles in the hind leg like a walking motion. With this theory, scientists test the new experiment on rats with complete spinal injuries. This process involves the combination of stimulation and feelings that derived from the rats moving limbs and then triggered the spinal rhythm-generating circuitry and prompt walking motion.
Frequent training enable a full weight-bearing walking recovery. However, the brain’s connection to the spinal cord is still interrupted from the injury making the rats unable to walk without help. This finding may eventually help in the treatment period after spinal cord injury.


Anonymous said...

I have read an article about lack of sleep. I believe that most of us especially students have encountered with this problem. eveyone knows that campus life is very challenging with all the lackness of facillities plus the assignments that need to be done on time. Due to this matter, many students like to burn midnight oil to complete the works. But, do you know that continuous practice may lead to a disease? Have you come across with the Alzheimer's disease? According to the article, it states that the experiment was done in a mice. The results shows that lack of sleep may lead to development of this disease. So, from the article, I know that sleep is very important for our health. I learned that we must take concern on our health even though study is also a must and of course you can imagine that if we are suffering from certain illness, how are the condition, can we focus on the study? You ourself know better.

wardah said...

A dietary supplement provide nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids or amino acids. For me, dietary supplement should be taken when really need and before buy the supplement, look first at the ingredients whether safe or not to our body. Then, ask the doctor for extra information about the supplement because a lot of supplement in the market.


mira said...

Last two months I had read one article about "Frankly speaking".. The story was about when a man is pushed, tormented, defeated, he has a chance to learn something. He has been put on his wits, on his manhood and he has gained the facts.
Three things to remembered when you want to be "Frankly speaking".
A) Find the real reason why you failed.
Before self-renewal can take place, a full accounting of what happened is necessary. It is not helpful to rationalize or otherwise underplay your failures. Take a good, long look in the mirror and face the cold, hard facts. This shown when Potekin spent long weeks staring at walls and mumbling to himself, trying to assess exactly what went wrong. He finally realized that he had been done in by own hubris, his immaturity, his lack of foresight and solid business sense and not by the vagaries of the gold and silver markets. That was the first step in his comeback.
B) Hitting bottom means you're on your way up
It's hard to find any positives in life when you're sleeping on a friend's sofa and too broke to afford a cup of coffee. But as Potekin learned from hitting bottom, "very few things are the end of the world." In fact, hitting bottom can be a cathartic, liberating experience. That shown when Potekin was stripped of everything he owned, and so he had nothing to lose when he opened his hot dog business. Because he had no obligations, expectations, or other entanglements, he was free to change gears, choose a new direction, and just take off.
C) Don't let failure make you fearful.. Be audacious!
The best thing about Potekin's bold, new journey was that he was undertaking it as a changed and different man. When he was a gold and silver trader, he was cocky, fearless, even arrogant, but ultimately lacking in the maturity to weather difficult times. this shown Potekin's act was all sizzle and no substance. After his failure, he discovered a strength and willpower he never knew he had. As he put it, he emerged from the dark forest a better, wiser man. Thus, he didn't allow failure to make him skittish or tentative. He approached each new challenge with unprecedented audacity. He didn't to survive, he trained to win.


fischer said...

Facebook is one of the famous global social networking website.As a teenager,i already have my facebook account.I found this website is more interesting than other social networking website such as myspace,friendster and etc.In facebook,user can add friends,send them messages,greet friends all around the world and also share photos.User can choose fan pages according to their interest.People often compare facebook to myspace,but one of the significant differences is the level of customization.MySpace allows users to decorate their profiles using HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), while Facebook only allows plain text.

( )

J.FaRRaH said...

Dear Mr.Shafeirul and fellow readers,

I have read an articles on Hari Raya festivals. Hari raya is celebrated by the Muslims signifies the end of the fasting season of Ramadan for a month. The celebration is determined by sighting of the new moon. This is the most significant celebration for the Muslims. Muslims starts the day by congregating in the mosques early in the morning to perform Hari Raya Puasa prayers followed by visits to the graves of the departed.

This festive occasion is greeted with great joy, the young will ask for forgiveness from their elders and everyone will put on new clothes. Open house or invitation for relatives and friends to come to their house is practised. Plenty of traditional Malay delicacies are served during this festive season. Houses are thoroughly cleaned and decorated with the lighting of oil lamps to welcome the angels which is believed to be visiting the earth during the seven days preceding the festivall. The celebration lasts for a month which the celebration is concentrated in the first three days. Selamat Hari Raya.

source; The Star, Malaysian culture, sunday 20th September 2009

SEC 02

amesz said...

In manufacturing engineering,I have to learn technical drawing is quiet challenging subject that where we need to draw technical drawing.The most interesting part is we need to draw by using progecad software.Something new to learn indeed.Progecad is a Microsoft Windows based CAD software program for editing and printing DWG(a file format used for 2 and 3 dimensional design data) and DXF(a CAD data file format developed by Autodesk for enabling data interoperability between AutoCAD and other programs) files from most versions of AutoCAD.It is quiet hard for the first time using it.Then,after getting a lot of assignments,me and my friends now are getting better with it.A great satisfication will develope when we successfully finish a drawing.Eventhough I need a lot of practises to sharpen my skill, I'm having fun when learning it.

msy_ump said...

I think this article good for everyone to do it. These articles invite us to recycle back the product we use. Recycling is the process of turning one product useful parts into a new product. These are many benefits we can take for recycling. We can be creative. The cardboard tubes left over from paper towel and toilet paper can make useful storage for our extra extension cords and prevents a tangled mess in the Christmas lights. It can be start at home. Like bottle plastic, can use back as drinking water. Or we can create something different and new to show interesting product and sell it to everyone. Think creative can be more benefit for human and advantages world we can save it for the future. Ours son in the future know that hoe beautiful this world. They invite us start today and save the cost effect of global warming. Global warming is no longer viewed as a theory by scientists and has sadly become a fact. The change needed must be in your actions today in order to ensure a bright (not too hot) tomorrow. We cannot wait and see but we must first start. So express yourself. One think before forgetting, the rubbish that we throw it into the garbage please make sure that we throw it at correct part. If the garbage for the metal then makes sure that we throw it the metal not plastic, paper. And the if the rubbish a plastic then throws it to the garbage for the plastic. That’s all can comment this article. Thank you.
Mohd Syahmi bin Mohd Nong
FA 09090
Manufacturing Engineering

junpin said...

I have read the article about the ways of releasing stress. Nowadays, we are burdened with a lot of hard work. Many of us have the sign of fatigue on the face. This can be related to the stress. Stress is linked to mental and physical illness. In order to stay healthy, we should know the way to release stress. Here are few tips of releasing stress. First, practicing yoga will help us to focus on breathing techniques and connecting with the universe on a spiritual and mental level. Second, laugh it off. By renting a funny movie to watch and then laugh out loudly. Third, exercise. Going for a walk for 15-25 minutes, four days a week will help the body to get rid of adrenaline and produce endorphins. Last but not least, take time to relax and sleep. Banish the stress will help us enjoy the life better.



erniey barney said...

hye all..
today i like to share to you about the problem that faced by the new new baby's name is such the big job. it sound funny. people always care about the pregnancy mother but never care about what had happen after giving birth. according to Islam, giving baby name is important because that name will people call and being judge at the final day.
but always remember to give your baby name that have good meaning.
there are some tips to run you out of problem when choosing your baby names.first,make a list of the good and potential sound hard.but usually you can get many unique name in your daily life.
after that,sit together and make some discussion.cancel any names that not agreed by your parent and parent-in is OK when just leave few or couple of list. thus,you can choose the perfect name for your baby.

erniey barney said...

hye all..
today i like to share to you about the problem that faced by the new new baby's name is such the big job. it sound funny. people always care about the pregnancy mother but never care about what had happen after giving birth. according to Islam, giving baby name is important because that name will people call and being judge at the final day.
but always remember to give your baby name that have good meaning.
there are some tips to run you out of problem when choosing your baby names.first,make a list of the good and potential sound hard.but usually you can get many unique name in your daily life.
after that,sit together and make some discussion.cancel any names that not agreed by your parent and parent-in is OK when just leave few or couple of list. thus,you can choose the perfect name for your baby.

nurernie sabrilna

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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FirDaus said...

Technology is a broad concept that deals with human as well as other animal species' usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects a species' ability to control and adapt to its environment. The human species' use of technology began with the conversion of natural resources into simple tools. Traditionally, new technology has been concerned with the construction of machines, structures, and tools on a relatively large scale. Technology has affected society and its surroundings in a number of ways. Technology has helped develop more advanced economies and has allowed the rise of a leisure class. Without technology, human beings and also the other species’ will face difficulties in order to live in this planet. Nowadays, there are many developed country try to make a new things based from the technology such as cars, gadgets and many more. The development of technology is going rapidly day by day. So, we cannot assume how this development will continue. The only thing that we can do is use them wisely to create one world of harmony.

Source from

Mohd Firdaus bin Mohd Jaafar

FazHam said...

Telephone is a telecommunications device that transmits and receives sound.It is one of the important appliances which commonly use nowadays to communicates with others in the fastest way.
The word "telephone" has been adapted to many languages and is widely recognized around the world.

The device operates principally by converting sound waves into electrical signals, and electrical signals into sound waves. Such signals when conveyed through telephone networks and often converted to electronic or optical signals. In these modern era,people are using handphone which has similar function as telephone but have a small physical appearance than telephone and easy to carry everywhere. Handphone or mobile phone has more function because of the rising in technology...

sources from;
wikipedia,free encyclopedia/

Hamizatun Binti Mohd Fazi

Hajar Zani said...

AURA.. I always think what actuallly aura it is. I read an article about aura. It is interesting that from colour of aura, we can know our spiritual signature or even other's people spiritual. And do u know, with aura actually, we can see the other person's thought before hear them expressed verbally. Amazingly, colour always make person's life changes. Naturally, when we want to attend an interview, we are supposed to wear a peace colour attire that might give other perception on us is positive. Same goes to color of aura. If we an aura colour is bright and clean aura, can be sure that person is good and spiritually positive. However, person with a dark or gray aura maybe has a bad intentions. After I read about this, it makes me obvious to discovered more about aura. Somebody said, maybe from our aura, we can traint ourself to behave in positive minded and become more better and wiser. Nobody is perfect. It is interesting to know this kind of article.



nuratieah said...

I want to start my post by asking this queation,how often do you smile in a day?Do you know that by just smile to a friend or to people u never know about them would settle all their mess?I just read the asrticle about the power of smile.
According to the article, a smile would lowers the stress hormones cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenaline and produces hormones which stabilise blood pressure, relax muscles, improve respiration, reduce pain, accelerate healing and stabilise mood. So why dont we start to smile to each other and try to laugh as we knew laughter is the best medicine.As respected Monk Thich Nhat Hanh explains,
“ Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
Lets think about it and smile.


SB09030 (SECTION 2)

azim said...
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azim said...

i have read the article about art..from the wikipedia website state that Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics. In my opinion art is interesting hobby. Beside that, only a few of people can have this talent such as painting or singing.

Nazirul Azim

m!E st@rPo$T said...

Assalamualaikum...I was read an article about 10 secret to be a smart student by Dr. Wayne Huang.In that article Dr. Wayne Huang gave a tip to the people especially for the student how to be smart student their school.We as a student always want to be a smart student and got the good result.But we still just a be a middle student and just got the the average result.To me,most of student have face that thing when we just watch our friends got want they want and us just got the average thing.Seriously,most of you will be jealous with your friend's success and want to be like them too.To me,it is not hard to reach our dream and it is not simple as we eat the peanut.It is about our spirit and our needed to grab it.I'm sure if we ask the success student,they have their own study skill how to catch up and now it's up to us to follow it or not.In Dr. Wayne Huang's article,he gave 10 secret for the student to achieve their goals and try our best in your life.

source by:

Syamimi Soliha Binti Mohd.

atikah said...

An article that I had read was about the stem cell.After I read this,I known that the stem was very useful in our life because it can be cured the varities of the diseases.The stem cell has ability to renew themselves through mitotic division and can differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types. Stem cells can be found in umbilical cord of the babies, placenta, peripheral blood from adult and bone marrow.By using the stem cell theraphy,most of the chronic disease can be cured.
(Nor Atikah binti Mahmood)
sb09039(section 1)

AMY said...

the artcle i read is about fodder. Fodder or animal feed is any foodstuff that used to feed domesticateed livestock such as a goat, sheep, horse and chickens. Animal feed is from plants and animal origin. "fodder" refers to the food given to the animal rather than thy forage for themselves. Agriculture land to grow food for animals is not relevant because rather than human food. some agricultural by-product as animal feed may be considered unsavory by human consumers. some types of fodder are fishmeal, seaweed, yeast extract, oil cake and press cake, seeds and grains.


hasfar amynurliyana binti abdul ghofar

Anonymous said...

I have read an article about 'Preventing Weight Gain'. Many popular diets advise followers not to eat before going to bed, as it will cause weight gain. Sumo wrestlers use this belief and sleep a few hours immediately after eating heavy meals. Scientists however believe that this is not true. How much a person eats is important and not the time of eating. The energy that is burnt off over a long-term period is the most important factor for weight gain or loss. Research with monkeys showed that there was no relationship between the time of eating during the day and weight gain. Popular diets of slimming experts suggest that certain foods, especially carbohydrates should be avoided before going to bed. Although people tend to cut out fat when they want to lose weight, their total calorie intake actually increases because of carbohydrates. Since it is more difficult to burn off energy while sleeping, this is the main cause for weight gain and not the time of eating.

(Source: article adapted from 'The News Straits Times'- 4 May 2004)


sarah fathiah said...

hello everyone!!!!!
in this commen, i would share to share with yuo all about the healthy fruit for all. As we know, we are encourage to eat fruit every day because the fruit is good for human body especially when we are eat the natural fruit fresh. in an experiment, it is improved that the fruit has contain subtantial quantities of essential nutrients in a rational proportion and they are excellent sources of minerals, vitamins, and enzymes. Eating fruit also is one of the tried and true recommendations for a healthy diet and the most important eating the fruit can help avoid heart disease and stroke, control blood pressure,prevent several types of cancer and others. So, we should try eat some fruit every day to get a good healthy.



_LoVe LiNgLiNg_ said...

I have read the article that gives the tips on how to control anger in order to have stable condition in life. Anger can destruct emotion and reveal bad qualities by performing negative action. When tolerance and patient is out of control, it is better to apply anger management technique. Excessive anger can cause health problems, family issues, drug or alcohol abuse and etc. These management techniques require honesty, courage and tremendous inner strength to control the anger. The most important thing is stay calm and think the positive and negative side on that matter. Then, regulate your breathing and relax to allow thinking process and react to the situation. It is good to prevent anger before it destroys our life.


v~ said...
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v~ said...
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v~ said...

While reading the previous post, an article "Smiling Improves Women's Self Esteem and Appearance" captured my attention. The article is about smiling can improve women's self esteem and appearance,it's been stated clearly. To prove this, research is done and it really works. The positive effect witnessed for women with a high level of body concern supports the idea that body satisfaction may be linked to the idea of social approval.Oone more prove is when a woman see her happy face picture,then they feel satisfy with it their self esteem will increase.This is all based on the research by the scientist.
All about women..
How about men?
How would their self-esteem can be increased?
Find it out!



@mir said...

The National Institute on Drug Abuse has invented new vaccine for smoker who want to stop smoking. It is good development that help person who is feel difficult to stop smoking. If this development can reach to our country it will decrease the number of death that it is cause by smoking.

Amirul Akmal bin Mohammad Yazid

mia said...

This is the other tale that is quite popular among Malaysian, "Orang Bunian". Orang Bunian is like a human but they are invisible and cannot be see. They also live like a normal people in their villages. Sometimes, we heard about the person who had missing in the jungle. He or she is said had been lost or entered the bunian's village. They will lost in the outside world for a while and maybe even forever. Some who are believe in 'spirit of the jungle', they will engage a 'bomoh' to appease orang bunian so that the villagers or visitors would not be disturbed when they enter they jungle. These orang bunian like to play a prank on human but some of them are too nice and can help other people in the real world.


Marina Mohd Sham

Fareedz said...

i have just read the article about the information of Hard Disk Drive from Wikipedia. There is many types of hard disk drive that are being used currently and before this too.
for example of the commonly types of hdd that is used in computers are serial ATA and Parallel ATA known as SATA and PATA. There are a lot of other various types for other application too as such the micro sd that we used in our mobile phone is also one of the Hard Disk Drive family how cool is that! This hdd operates by using binary signal that comes from magnetic signal waves that is stored in the platter. So the size of the platter can describe how huge the amount of storage in it. for example the 3.5″ SATA can hold up to 2 TB of data. but eventually the hdd is extremely fragile that it can even broke when it is over heated or drop gently.

Muhamad Faredzuan Bin Kamarulzaman

hanavynn said...

Assalamualaikum and hi to everyone... I have read a short article regarding on caring a baby with care. Forthe newly parents especially, caring a newborn baby is a something new and the most important, it can be an exciting experience in performing the process in how to look after a baby. Having a new baby in your house can be a time of joy and wonder. As a new parent, you have a lot to learn. It is common for new parents to feel anxious about caring for their new baby. You may feel more anxious if you have not spent much time around babies. Family, friends, and your baby's caregiver can help and support you in your new role as a parent. Spending time with your baby will help you understand your baby's needs. As the parents, always put your baby as the first priority as the baby needs an intensive care from ther parents to grow up in a healthy environment. Thus, as the last thing to be shared, do love your baby and enjoy the cherish moment in caring them.

anom lehan said...

From the article "laser features system for unattended cutting", Mozak Optonics Corporation was introduced their newest product, the HyperGear 612 2D laser cutting system with features the automated and optimized five-point setup system that the company abbreviates, "A0|5". For your information, this system makes cutting more efficient even during extended unattended operation. besides that, if you buy this product it will include the comprehensive set like an automated touch charger, an automatednozzle charger, CCD camera-based nozzle damage analysis, automated lens analysis, focal point measurement and adjustment, as well as automated nozzle cleaning. In addition, the features facilitate small batch production, maintain maintain the consistence of cutting condition and improve real productivity, all while lowering labor cost. from my opinion, it valuable to buy it because of the features included.


Muhamad Ifrad said...

I want to talk about the software that has been use by the engineer and architect to draw their work. The software is called autoCAD. Before this, i never heard about this software. But, since i study engineering at Universiti Malaysia Pahang i know about this software. AutoCAD is the special software to draw 2D and 3D design. It was release on 1982 by Autodesk. To draw something we can use the entities like lines, polylines, circle, arc and text. Currently, autoCAD runs exclusively on Microsoft Window desktop operating systems. Furthermore, this software come out in many language and is use all over the world. For manufacturing engineering student this year, we use progeCAD, the another version of autoCAD, but the function is same.



Saiful 7 said...

I just an article about Insomnia.I think that there are many people don't know whether they have this symptom or not.Insomnia is a symptom of many sleep disorders.Just imagine if we feel very sleepy at one times but we can't fall asleep.Although,we've tried to close our eyes but something make it so hard to sleep.It is followed by functional impairment while awake.


SB 09061
Section 2

loh said...

There are a lot of unknown lives around this world. The important contribution of research on animals is to understand various form of life and find some useful things from them.Same,if we find the new species,we might discover the new knowledge or some application of them.Nowadays,the biotechnology is one of the important field in this world.Many useful medicals are extracted from the animals and plants.Besides that,it might help us to find out the origin of life.This is the question since long time ago and still now.


Loh Chong Sean



Zulhilmi100709 said...

i have finished read the article "how to avoid depression" by lorrymill.the article is about the way to avoid stated that depression is too difficult to control but let don't worry because there are many tips to avoid depression.for the instruction, the victim should have enough better sleep,should have more exercise, keep yourself busy, avoiding feeling guilty, seek for help and many more.for my opinion once somebody got depress, if they practice this instruction properly i thing they will get good result hopefully.
Zulhilmi Bin Jusoh

dhurga said...

I have read an article titled genetically modified papaya. This genetically modified papaya which is resistant to papaya ringspot virus was firstly commercialized in Hawaii in 1998. According to a survey, it is found that farmers prefer to plant this genetically modified papaya as the papaya is resistant to the papaya ringspot virus. Now the genetically modified is being commercialized not only in Hawaii but also worldwide as it has a lot of advantages. As the biotechnology field is growing by leaps and bounds, these types of genetically modified plants are not impossible to be grown and commercialized. This is one of the way to produce higly-resistant plants to virulent disease causing viruses.



KW89UMP said...

Nowadays, students are getting more and more stress on their studies. Parents are going to praise their child if they did well on their test but this may go to the wrong message if parents focus too often on their child achievements. An experiment has done to show what happens when the kids are praised for their efforts and intelligence. Two groups of children are asked to do a series of puzzles that are easy. A result showed kids that praised for their efforts choose to do a harder set of puzzles.They enjoyed the challenge even though some of them didn't succeed. While the other group of kids that are praised for their intelligence declined to try the harder puzzles and their scores declined by 20 percent when retested with the original puzzles. So, emphasising effort gives children a variable they can control.


princess_sshira said...

Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA) plays important role in all organism. Its carry genetic information that varies from one to another organism. DNA usually double stranded and helix. It's compose of nucleic acid that consist of nitrogenous base,pentose sugar and phosphate group.The sugars are joined together by phosphate groups that form phosphodiester bonds between the third and fifth carbon atoms of adjacent sugar rings. Type of bases are cytosine,adenine,thymine and guanine. DNA can undergo transcription and translation process. DNA is organized into chromosome that have a histone which stick a chromosome together. I really surprise to know that our DNA consist of approximately 220 million base pairs long. Imagine that how many information that carried by our DNA. First model of DNA discover by Watson Crick in long time ago. Today, many research is make continuously towards our DNA.


bengleng said...

When i see a documentary about building International Space Station or ISS. I realize that it not easy to build a huge superstructure that need build in hustle environment.To build ISS it need all country in this world to collaborate with one another whether have same ideology or not.The International Space Station will be symbol of peace and humanity of human kind .Beside that,by building ISS,we can have more cutting edge technology that will be applied to daily life.I hope this international project will be the milestone of human in space exploration.
Tan Beng Leng

MeLLy_LuV said...

I just read an article about carbohydrates.As we knew,carbohydrate is one of important nutrient that we need in our daily life.Food that contain many carbohydrate like rice,potatoes and bread.Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy. They contain the elements Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. The first part of the name "carbo-" means that they contain Carbon. The second part of the name "-hydr-" means contain hydrogen.Take the carbohydrate wisely to avoid from diseasee.


maya said...

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone..,
The article that I had read is actually written by Michael Plontz. The article is quite interesting that’s memorizing our childhood last time ago. The title is “getting to the bottom of bed-wetting” that tell about children wetting the bed. This problem scientifically called enuresis. It is a usual matter among children before they grow up to adulthood. Enuresis does not necessarily mean that a child has emotional or physical problems. Sometimes the cause is as simple as having a delay in the development of the bladder. The smaller bladder cannot possibly hold a large amount of urine. Physical factors other than the slow development of the bladder are rare, but may include lesions in the lower spinal cord, diabetes, or urinary tract infection. A physical and a urinalysis could rule out physical causes and infection or diabetes. Just as important as seeking professional help is treating the problem correctly at home. Parent do not yelling at or punishing a child may only make the situation worse. Not only that, it could create feelings of low self-worth and poor self-esteem. The best thing to do is talk about it openly (if the child is so inclined) keeping in mind that expressing confidence, reassurance and encouragement to a child could be the best medicine of all.
Article Source: (

apple_april said...

i have read about violence health and human right. this issues is all about violence against women and violence against children.the less attention will given from public make WHO stand behind the victim and fight back their freedom from discrimination, the right to education, the right to an adequate standard of living, and the right to social security.human rights are respected, protected and fulfilled directly influences the underlying societal conditions that give rise to violence.



--ALiPp-- said...

Petronas is one of the biggest oil company in the world. In these pass few years, the company has gain a lot of achievement in many sector. But for me, their achievement in motor sport is the most famous. The BMW Sauber Team is one of the most competitive car in F1 race cars, and Petronas has become 1 of the main sponsor for them. This can be clearly seen at the body of the car that written 'PETRONAS'. Me as a malaysian feel so proud of that and hopefully that this year they manage to do better. beside that, Petronas also tryed to sponsor other motorsport such as motocycle, go-cart, speed bot and many others.


Nicgoh said...

I had recently read an article about year 2012 being our last day that we standing on earth or the end of the human world.
According to wikipedia, 2012 phenomenon is a range of beliefs and proposals positing that a cataclysmic or transformative events that will occur in year 2012. The forecast in based primarily on what is claimed to be end-date of the mesoamerican Long count calender, which is presented as listing 5, 125 years and a terminating year december 21 or 23 year 2012.
They are many arguments between supporting or disagreeing this argument.In my opinion, we should love our earth by not containminating it anymore. love our earth and treasure it!say no to open burning and go for green.thanks.


PHOON said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PHOON said...

Tittle: What will happen if experienced violence at childhood time??

I have heard a sentence said that children is the mirror of parents, once again it has been proven by this article I read. In this article stated that a person tends to be violence after experiencing violence at his or her early age.
I strongly agree that the attitude showed by children is learned from people around them. The closest people with the children usually are their parent, in the other words children are learned from their parent. Children can be said as pure as a white paper and they learn everything which happen around them, they also unable to differentiate whether it is wrong or right but just repeat it out exactly the way hey saw.
If a child had experienced violence, they would think that this is the way to express their desire. They will started to lose their social and communication skill with the society. This will make them isolated by the society and hence leading to certain level of personality’s disorder.
After their marriage they will treat the same way after their father did to them towards their children. The next generation will be on the same journey as their folks gone through. This article alert us about the importance of domestic violence prevention efforts starting at the childhood level, within family environments as well as school and community based settings.
Hope that parents will aware that their attitude and attention toward children are necessary in the effort of preventing violence. Try to stop the violence passing on to our next generation and make this world stay harmony as it should be.
Journal reference:
Natacha Godbout, Donald G. Dutton, Yvan Lussier, Stéphane Sabourin. Early exposure to violence, domestic violence, attachment representations, and marital adjustment. Personal Relationships, 2009; DOI: 10.1111/j.1475-6811.2009.01228.x
Web reference :

FA 09042
F 02LB

kEMe said...

Do you ever wonder why the sky is blue colour? When looking at the sky, I always wonder why their colour was blue, and why not in other colours. I always think about that. Later when I found and read this article, I know why the skies are blue colour. Sunlight reaches Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by all the gases and particles in the air. Blue light is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves. This is why we see a blue sky most of the time. Sometimes the sky appears red because larger particles of dust, pollution, and water vapor in the atmosphere reflect and scatter more of the reds and yellows. (When I was a child, my grandmother told me that ghost pickup their clothes in the evening, so that why the sky became red...hahaha =P).



ser said...

For me, friends is the most important people in my life except my parent. I just read an article about friendship. I am strongly agree with this article because it is true.Friendship is the cooperative and supportive relationship between two or more people. In this sense, the term connotes a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, affection, and respect along with a degree of rendering service to friends in times of need or crisis.As a good friend, he or she will always share his or her experience, suggestion, opinion, and many many more. Without them, our life will be lonely, and meaningless.For example, when you are alone and nobody is around you, the first people that will think is friend. Actually friends can be divided to many types, such as soulmate, pen-pal, internet friendship, casual friendship and so on. all these of friends also can solve your problem and even can accompany u.Thus, for me, friends is very very important.



penyapu terbang said...

The article is about the stem cell. Nowadays, our country has move another step forward towards a better life. Stem cell can be defined as a class of undifferentiated cells that are able to differentiate into specialized cell types. There are two sources of stem cell which is embryos formed during the blastocyst phase of embryological development (embryonic stem cells) and adult tissue (adult stem cells). Stem cell form from baby’s blood and immune system- red blood cell function to carry oxygen around the body , while white blood cell is the part of immune system and platelets assist in blood-clotting. Stem cell can be found in umbilical cord blood from babies, and bone marrow and peripheral blood from adults. Stem cells can help in cure other disease such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer's. So stem cell is the new technology that can help in improved the quality of our life

source :


siewmei said...

Since in the 80’s, people have been assuming that to fight climate change and other environmental disasters is by monitoring the world’s population growth. Paul Ehrlich who wrote a book on population said that as the population grows, the world climate worsens. But according to the records, women now have fewer babies if compared to their mother and that half of the world has fertility rate below the replacement level because of the changing of position of women in the society. And so, the main reason to climate change is overconsumption instead of overpopulation. This has proven where in the developed countries the carbon dioxide production is more than underdeveloped countries.


Anonymous said...

In my opinion, I absolutely agree with what Raja Dr Nazrin Shah said at Muslim Intellectuals Discussion. Malays should unite in order to govern the country well. Today, Malaysia is changing and the Chinese ethnic will merely represent 20 percent of country’s population in a decade. The Indians are below 10 percent the population. If we, the Malays generation do not unite and cooperate each other, we cannot govern our country. This country will be conquered by the Chinese ethnics which is its population in our country is increasing day by day. If that happen, the economy and administration will be conquered and managed by the Chinese. As a result, Malays will be left behind in everything.
Furthermore, Malays should unite to increase our economy and enhance higher level of standard living. Half of our economy is dominated by Chinese people but for Malays, we only dominate not more than 20 percent of our own country economy. Besides, the number of Muslim Malays is small. The number of Muslim Malays with knowledge, who is professional, educated, rich, successful in their carrier is even much smaller. That is why Malays should work together, unite and cooperate to engender many Muslim Malays that possess the quality of towering personality.

‘Malay unity is the core of national unity’. That was what said by Kelantan Crown Prince Tengku Faris Petra during his speech which was organised by the newly formed Barisan Bertindak Perpaduan Melayu in Kuala Lumpur last year. Tengku Faris said that in effort to unite Malays and defend Malay special rights do not mean that, non-Malays will be ignored. We can unite Malays by many ways. The government’s role is to make sure that there are laws to protect free trade and commerce and not to enhance the life of one particular political party. Besides that, government should uphold the constitution and has ministries that look after and protects the needs of Malays and other races. The separation of Malays and Islam in differing groups or parties which are being led by people who refuse to meet with one another will certainly weaken the Muslims day by day. Each Malays must defend the constitution and Islam and this can only achieved by Malay unity.


ALYNN said...

for the fourth reading entry, I would like to share about G-suit. I think most of the student dont know what is meant by G-suit.G-suit is a uniform worn by the astronout and aviators.It is designed to prevent a black out and induced loss of consciousness, due to the blood pooling in the lower part of the body when under acceleration , thus depriving the brain of blood. Lets imagine if the astronout or the aviators do not wear a G-suit. They will face injuries when subjected to high level of acceleration force.When I was in childhood, i always wonder why the astronout wearing a big suit with i called it 'transparent helmet'.For sure they will feel disturbed. Now, with this information, i know what is the function of the G-suit to those who went outside the earth. It is usable and vital.

F 01 LB

Hajar Rasdi said...

I have read an article about friendship. For me, friends was very important to us. Without friends and people next to us, we can’t feel the actual enjoyable of the life. We need someone that can shared anything with us such as happiness and sorrowful. Last but not least, I want to share a short poem about a friendship:

“ If I had all the money in the world but know one to enjoy it with, I would be depressed. Admittedly that's an extreme example, but the truth is that all of the enjoyable things in the world get old quickly without a friend to share them with. On the other hand, if I was experiencing all the hardships in the world, I would go insane without the aid of a friend. People that don't have anyone to socially interact may lose their minds and develop an imaginary friend just to ease the loneliness. Human interaction is necessary. It is simply the way that we are wired. “

Don’t walk in front of me I may not follow,
Don’t walk behind me I may not lead,
Just walk beside me and be my friends.


farabi said...

money is the most important thing in the. there are worthless without the money. No body can stand longer without money for a period of time. Until know people searh for money to survive in this real world. Just you have a few dollar that doesn't mean that you culd survive. People have to think how to manage their money management in order to survive without depend on the other but our own efford.The money supply of a country is usually held to consist of currency and demand deposits or 'bank money'. These demand deposits usually account for a much larger part of the money supply than currency.the term "price system" is sometimes used to refer to methods using commodity valuation or money accounting systems.that all i know about the history of the money. However the most powerful thing in the world that can be reason for the country to have war is about money. Because one country cannot survive with dropped economy.

Ahmad Nur Zakwan B. Ahmad Nazari

danny said...

i have read an article about weight loss supplements for reducing your weight. the article is about problems among people all over the world, weight loss. it become the major problem for most of people. they use product without any knowledge and they criticizing the product when they do not statisfied. here, they cam get weight supplement and clinically proven. thera also providede money back guarentee to you. so, what do you waiting for...hurry get those product...

mohamad zokril hakim bin md saleh


Recycling is the process of using back the materials into new products to avoid waste, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution and lowering greenhouse gas emission. There are lot of materials that can be recycle such as papers, glass, plastics, textiles and metals. But composing food and garden waste cannot be considered as recycling. But there are controversy on job field in logging, mining and other industries due to increasing of job needed in recycling field. As students what i can recycle is my papers which I used for mathematics calculation, beverage can, my crack pail and other things. My favourite is using lunchbox or tupperware when I want to buy food at cafe because I can cut out the usage of polysterine. As a future-to-be environmentalist, I try to encourage my friends and you who reading this to recycle what you can to save our mother nature for our future grandchildren.



aziraazmi said...

People nowadays prefer contact lenses compared to glasses but there are so many rumors said that contact lenses have a lot of disadvantages.I'm one of contact lenses user and I'm wondering so that i go to the website and find the article related to this.For your information, if you are of the view that contact lenses are a new invention, you are way off the mark. Leonardo Da Vinci first described and sketched his ideas of contact lenses way back in 1508! However, it took more than 300 years to fabricate and wear them.From the website,i found that contact lenses give so many benefits to people too,I'll take some examples from the article.First,contact lenses give you a natural vision as they are worn right on the cornea of the eye, contact lenses provide vision that is more natural. The objects appear in the correct size and position, without any distortion. The distance between the eye and the glasses can vary, causing the objects to appear larger or smaller than they actually are.Other than that,contact lenses give stable vision as it does not affected by quick body movements, such as in sports and similar activities and remain in place, providing clear and stable vision. Eyeglasses are unstable on your face when running, making your vision unstable, affecting your performance.By using wearing contact lenses also unaffected by weather.Contact lenses do not fog up when you come in from the cold, and neither do they get splattered by rain. In addition, they do not steam up from body heat or perspiration.I know the fact that state wearing contact lenses can expose the user to eye infection if not properly managed.So,to prevent this problem, you have to clean and properly store the contact lenses in order to reduce the risk.The contact lenses must be stored well too.If you just follow this rules,there should be no problems at all.Furthermore,there are many types of contact lenses in the market nowadays whether it's soft, gas-permeable, disposable, daily-wear, normal or coloured, they are there for you to choose the ones that suit your needs.So,if you refuse to take care well your contact lenses everyday,by using disposable contact lenses you are actually using completely sanitized contact lenses out of the box. After using the lenses for one whole day, you just throw them away and use a new sanitized set next time. No deposits or dust contamination to worry about.After looking some website, i concluded that contact lenses give many advantages if you can take care it well.


Nur Azira binti Azmi

NuRuLLLL said...

Nuclear is one of the sources in our planet today. It was produced from controlled nuclear reactions.Nowadays, many countries remain actives in developing nuclear power. These countries realise that the nuclear powerhave ability to support their country development in future such as, less cost for their electricity maintainance. As we know, many sources of electricity that we have applied before. But all the inisiative need high cost of maintainance.For now, we try to apply this new thing eventhough some people does not agree with the idea.So,we cannot blame this people but we have to think forward to success in future.


nono said...

Global warming
The ice of the south and north pole continue to melt. The temperature of the world has increased. The weather has change. What had happen to this world? Let me tell you, what has happen just now is the phenomenon of global warming. The main cause of the global warming is the large quantity of carbon dioxide that trapped in the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is a particle that can trap heat energy in a large quantity. When they are release to the air, all this heat energy will also be released to the air. Hence, the temperature of the Earth has suddenly increased. Because of this phenomenon, many animal ad plants start to die together in a large amount. Many human also exposed to many cancel as the antibody in our body no longer in good condition. Hence, scientist should think more method to solve this problem before it is too late and we should play our role by reducing the usage of car that can cause global warming.
Lee Chei Ming
FA 09066

Rara Nora said...
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Rara Nora said...

Hi everyone!
This november,the most waited movie on earth for this year will be release.n today is already 29 oct!what can we say that all of us is super duper excited to watch twilight saga-new moon.
here i include some brief introduction about the movie and the plot itself as to increase ur adrenaline in the wait of new moon.

New Moon is a fantasy-romance novel by author Stephenie Meyer, and is the second book in the Twilight series. According to Meyer, the book is about losing true love. The title refers to the darkest phase of the lunar cycle, indicating that New Moon is about the darkest time of the protagonist Bella's life. The book was originally released in hardcover in 2006, following the successful publishing of Meyer's debut novel Twilight. An upcoming film adaptation is tentatively set for release on November 20, 2009. heres some sneak peak on the plot.

On Isabella "Bella" Swan's 18th birthday, Edward Cullen, the vampire she loves, and his family throw her a birthday party. While unwrapping a gift, she gets a paper cut, which causes Edward's adopted brother, Jasper, to be overwhelmed by her blood's scent and attempt to kill Bella. To protect her, Edward decides to end their relationship, and the Cullens move away from Forks. This leaves Bella heart-broken and depressed.

In the months that follow, Bella learns that thrill-seeking activities, such as motorcycle riding, allow her to "hear" Edward's voice in her head. She also seeks comfort in her deepening friendship with Jacob Black, a cheerful companion who eases her pain over losing Edward. Bella later discovers that Jacob is a werewolf. He and his fellow werewolves protect Bella from the vampires Laurent and Victoria, the latter of whom seeks revenge for her dead mate, James, whom the Cullens killed in Twilight.

Meanwhile, a series of miscommunications leads Edward to believe that Bella has killed herself. Distraught over her supposed suicide, Edward flees to Italy to provoke the Volturi, vampire royalty who are capable of killing him. Alice and Bella rush to Italy to save Edward, arriving just in time to stop him. Before leaving Italy, the Volturi tell Edward that Bella, a human who knows that vampires exist, must either be killed or transformed into a vampire. When they return to Forks, Edward tells Bella that he has always loved her and only left Forks to protect her. She forgives him, and the Cullens vote in favor of Bella being transformed into a vampire, to Edward's dismay. However, Edward gives Bella a choice: either she lets Carlisle change her after her graduation, or, if Bella agrees to marry him, he will change her himself.

aReLyn said...

This article that i have been read is about exam hints.Exam is to find out what you understand and what you can do in your study.If a question asks you to "explain", "describe", etc something, then write in proper English sentences.Then, Read the exam paper carefully.Make sure that you know how long the exam is, how many questions you have to do, and check whether there are special directions given.Do read carefully each of the questions that you do answer.Read the whole of a question before attempting to answer it.Keep to a rigid timetable and divide the time available equally among the questions that you have to do.Lastly, Count the questions that you do carefully and make sure that you do enough.


nadya farhana said...
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nadya farhana said...

Fuh.. the first word that I uttered after read this article.Have u ever heard about Masdar City? This is brilliant!!! How can we convert all the hot weather to something useful like what Masdar City has right now? In Masdar City,believe it or not,there has zero carbon city as sustainable energy is the initiative way to reduce it.In Masdar City,there will be no cars in other no internal combustion engine.Wow.. it is so great right? In the same time,we can save our earth from any pollution and prevent the global warming.Masdar Ciy is the only city practice a right way to keep our lovely earth,even placing in the hottest place in the world but they still didn't use the air-cond.


yus_zain said...

from the article that i have read, bmw is the one of the supercar,supercar is a hybrid powertrain similar to the one shown off in Frankfurt. bmw m1 have turbocharged three-cylinder diesel engine displacing 1.5-liters would be used in conjunction with a pair of electric motors providing all-wheel drive capabilities. The run to 60 mph would theoretically take less than five seconds and top speed would reportedly be capped at 155 mph. eventhough it used a diesel engine it have very high power of acceleration.
M1 is created to defeat Audi R8 the excellent supercar nowadays.although this car not fast as R8,the technology that created is very powerful because it also include active aerodynamic elements that allow for an excellent .22 coefficient of drag. the M1 is also known as ecofriendly car.
In conclusion M1 is the best of super car nowadays.
Mohamad yusri bin mohamad zin

aida said...

I had read about some facts about Redondo Beach BMW.For me.who is looking for a luxury car then surely Redondo Beach BMW is the best option.As we know all BMW's product have high quality and high performance.The seats are very comfortable and the design is very beautiful.There are also numerous facilities present in the car.So i would like to suggest if anyone want to buy a BMW car,Redondo Beach BMW is the best choice.

aida said...
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miss A said...

Everyone of us afraid whenever heard or see anything related to cancer. This is truly happening here in our community and even other people globally. It does make sense since this kind of disease is really a fatal one or we can say as deadly. It happens when our cells in our body began to mutate and replicate ridiculously. Once you had been infected by this disease, be sure to prepare physically and mentally for the outcome. But that doesn’t mean you’re already at the end of the world because our medical technologies so far could contain the cancer from spreading to other cells. However, don’t expect this kind of illness can be fully cured by today’s medical technologies. So, the most effective medicine to contain the cancer is with the right prevention. So far, we can reduced the risk from getting cancer at about 60% to 70% with the right methods. Cancer can be prevented by practicing good choices of foods, maintain a healthy weight, doing a lot of physical activities and mostly important, do not smoking. By applying this methods, we can live happily without have to worry too much from getting cancer.




aida said...

I had read about some facts about Redondo Beach BMW.For me.who is looking for a luxury car then surely Redondo Beach BMW is the best option.As we know all BMW's product have high quality and high performance.The seats are very comfortable and the design is very beautiful.There are also numerous facilities present in the car.So i would like to suggest if anyone want to buy a BMW car,Redondo Beach BMW is the best choice.


niejar said...

For my opinion,
Most abused drugs are not only mentally addictive but physically addictive as well. Tolerance is built up to the drug. More and more of the drug is needed to achieve the desired effect. As the body physically adjusts to the drug, trying to cut down or stop is unpleasant or even painful. These withdrawal symptoms, depending on the drug, can include shakes, chills, severe aches and pains, difficulty sleeping, agitation, depression, and even hallucinations or psychosis. Avoiding withdrawal adds to the urgency of keeping up drug abuse and increases drug dependence.


syed irsyad said...

dr mahathir?the famous prime minister in malaysia.the best prime minister in malaysia that i've ever known.dr mahthir known as 'bapa pembangunan' among the malaysian's without his idea to develop malaysia,i don't think that we can live like this nowdays.even though he was critics for what he's doing.he just continues on his plan to make it succeed for his people,malaysians.for me,he was the most succees prime minister in malaysia who can take full control of his cabinet and people of malaysia.congratulations to dr mahathir for what he was doing for us.


Ice Ong said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ice Ong said...

I think that Malaysia should starts to generate nuclear power because nuclear power is a very useful kind of power that can be used for households and industries. It is cheap and do not produce carbon dioxide, which is quite environment friendly.
Besides, nuclear power should also be used due to the decrease of amount of the petroleum left. Nuclear power should be handle with care because it might cause disposal of radioactive nuclear waste that might causes cancer or other health problem that might be inherited from one generation to another generation. Nuclear should not be misused as nuclear weapon to attack other countries. We should train more expertise on nuclear field to maximize the usage of nuclear and also to prevent from over depending to other countries technologies.


FA 09094

Pakku said...

Asteroids are like dangerous big stone while earth just like water…when u throw a stone into water, the water will splash…That’s mean people living on earth should take more seriously about these asteroids..They should make an invention to make the asteroids not drive straightly to earth like example make laser beam that can make the asteroids break into pieces…So that, people life can be secure…We should remember the asteroids impacted on earth at Jurassic period…Almost living thing die because of it…So all country should reunite and make a discussion about this…So people can live with calm and enjoy themselves doing their routines activities….

source :


nik hapis said...

I have read an article about the The Palm Islands that are artificial islands in Dubai, United Arab Emirates on which major commercial and residential infrastructure will be constructed. They are being constructed by Nakheel Properties, a property developer in the United Arab Emirates, who hired Belgian and Dutch dredging and marine contractor Jan De Nul and Van Oord, some of the world's specialists in land reclamation. The islands are the Palm Jumeirah, the Palm Jebel Ali and the Palm Deira.

Each settlement will be in the shape of a palm tree, topped with a crescent, and will have a large number of residential, leisure and entertainment centers. The Palm Islands are located off the coast of The United Arab Emirates in the Persian Gulf and will add 520 kilometres of beaches to the city of Dubai.

The first two islands will comprise approximately 100 million cubic meters of rock and sand. Palm Deira will be composed of approximately 1 billion cubic meters of rock and sand. All materials will be quarried in the UAE. Among the three islands there will be over 100 luxury hotels, exclusive residential beach side villas and apartments, marinas, water theme parks, restaurants, shopping malls, sports facilities and health spas.

The creation of the Palm Jumeirah began in June 2001. Shortly after, the Palm Jebel Ali was announced and reclamation work began. The Palm Deira, which is planned to have a surface area of 46.35 square kilometres, was announced for development in October 2004. Construction was originally planned to take 10–15 years, but that was before the impact of the global credit crunch hit Dubai.



eka said...

Well,do you like to eat banana?I like to eat banana very much.There are many benefits of banana as it contain natural sources of potassium.It's important in body as it helps keep the body fluids and electrolyte balance in body cells and helps in regulating blood pressure.Bananas pack their share of vitamins is essential for the development of specialised tissue in the eyes. It is also important for the growth of the skin and soft skeletal tissue. Vitamin B is also present in the form of Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, and Folic acid. Banana also high in fibre and we can avoid constipation by eating banana.Bananas are an ideal diet for people who are trying to quit smoking. This is because of the combination of Vitamin C, A1, B6, and B12 that helps the body to recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.So, what are you waiting for?Let's start eat banana from today.


siti hajar said...

Yes, it’s me again, hajar. For me, all humans have a basic need to be loved, admired and be special. The infant longs for his or her parents’ total undivided love. People have a universal need to be important, famous or wealthy and also to have friends who think well of them. Knowing the fact that everyone wants to be significant or longs for recognition, helps us to get along better with people. It is important to affirm people through sincere praise and recognition. There are many people around us who have very little self-worth. Our sense of self-worth or lack of it usually acquired during childhood. If a child growing up did no not receive praise or being affirmed properly by his parents, but instead got criticized a great deal, he would grow up feeling unworthy. Sometimes if his parents set too high a standard, feelings that he does not measure up would be generated. That is why many people do not receive compliments really well. They have difficulty believing that the compliment is sincere or that they deserved it. It has been found that to the degree we affirm and show love to other people, the happier we will be. Therefore, we should look for opportunities to express appreciation to people for who they are and what they are. A warm greeting, a fitting word of praise or recognition can give pleasure and make a person feel good all day.

Anonymous said...

nokia N70 mybe not famous now a a day but it still be use now.with alot of function that they have. N70 can make people to work in their daily life. with alot of function like. mp3 player, camera, 3g and soon, N70 can be good enough mobile phone for people.


wkteh said...

The world is not giving up the disables. There is a group of people even making car for them. A four-wheel dirt buggy retrofitted by a student team from the Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory at Virginia Tech's College of Engineering in Blacksburg uses laser range finders, an instant voice command interface, and a host of other technology tools to guide blind drivers as they steer, brake, and accelerate. Although in the early testing stage, the vehicle could be a major breakthrough for independent living of the visually impaired.
Teh Weng Khuin M08 MA09088

lolipop sweet said...

Toyota is once of the femouse cars brands.
Mostly, people like to buy the car from Fararry's company.
That is because fararry is once of the company that sponsor the F1. But in my opinion I like to choose Toyota brands, because firstly their qualitification. This brands produce a good quality of cars. The material used to make the body of cars is most suitable.
The body of cars cannot be very hard because it will increase the impulsive force at the same time, the model create is same teste with me...
That is why i like to choose the toyota brand when i want to buy the cars one day..


mira said...

hello everybody!!!
Whos love chocolate raise your hand???
i love chocolate...but are you all ever thought the history of chocolate???
here,i will giving you the info about the history of chocolate...
Cacao, native to Mexico, Central and South America, has been cultivated for at least three millennia in that region. It was used originally in Mesoamerica both as a beverage, and as an ingredient in foods.

Chocolate has been used as a drink for nearly all of its history. The earliest record of using chocolate dates back before the Olmec. In November 2007, archaeologists reported finding evidence of the oldest known cultivation and use of cacao at a site in Puerto Escondido, Honduras, dating from about 1100 to 1400 BC.The residues found and the kind of vessel they were found in indicate that the initial use of cacao was not simply as a beverage, but the white pulp around the cacao beans was likely used as a source of fermentable sugars for an alcoholic drink.The Maya civilization grew cacao trees in their backyard,and used the cacao seeds it produced to make a frothy, bitter drink.Documents in Maya hieroglyphs stated that chocolate was used for ceremonial purposes, in addition to everyday life.The chocolate residue found in an early ancient Maya pot in Río Azul, Guatemala, suggests that Maya were drinking chocolate around 400 AD. In the New World, chocolate was consumed in a bitter, spicy drink called xocoatl, and was often flavored with vanilla, chili pepper, and achiote (known today as annatto).Xocoatl was believed to fight fatigue, a belief that is probably attributable to the theobromine content. Chocolate was also an important luxury good throughout pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, and cacao beans were often used as currency.For example, the Aztecs used a system in which one turkey cost one hundred cacao beans and one fresh avocado was worth three beans. South American and European cultures have used cocoa to treat diarrhea for hundreds of years. All of the areas that were conquered by the Aztecs that grew cacao beans were ordered to pay them as a tax, or as the Aztecs called it, a "tribute".

Until the 16th century, no European had ever heard of the popular drink from the Central and South American peoples.It was not until the Spanish conquest of the Aztecs that chocolate could be imported to Europe. In Spain it quickly became a court favorite. In a century it had spread and become popular throughout the European continent.To keep up with the high demand for this new drink, Spanish armies began enslaving Mesoamericans to produce cacao.Even with cacao harvesting becoming a regular business, only royalty and the well-connected could afford to drink this expensive import. Before long, the Spanish began growing cacao beans on plantations, and using an African workforce to help manage them.The situation was different in England. Put simply, anyone with money could buy it.The first chocolate house opened in London in 1657.In 1689, noted physician and collector Hans Sloane developed a milk chocolate drink in Jamaica which was initially used by apothecaries, but later sold to the Cadbury brothers in 1897.

For hundreds of years, the chocolate making process remained unchanged. When the people saw the Industrial Revolution arrive, many changes occurred that brought about the food today in its modern form. A Dutch family's (van Houten) inventions made mass production of shiny, tasty chocolate bars and related products possible. In the 1700s, mechanical mills were created that squeezed out cocoa butter, which in turn helped to create hard, durable chocolate.But, it was not until the arrival of the Industrial Revolution that these mills were put to bigger use. Not long after the revolution cooled down, companies began advertising this new invention to sell many of the chocolate treats we see today.When new machines were produced, people began experiencing and consuming chocolate worldwide.


rien_gurlz said...

It’s all about a powerful earthquake in the Indonesian city of Padang. The magnitude 7.6 quake was centered 32 miles north-west of the city in western Sumatra. Many others are trapped in collapsed shops, building and hotels. It was very pity to the villagers that have lost their homes. As Malaysian, we should be thankful because this thing not happened to us. Eventhough they are suffered from the disaster, they never think about regretful but they move on with their life and try to make their life more meaningful. On the other hand, we should help them in several ways such as financial support and psychology support.



GenG ParanG said...

My article about Toyota design.The Toyota Camry is a mid-size car, formerly a compact car manufactured by Toyota since 1980. The name "Camry" is an Anglicized phonetic transcription of the Japanese word kanmuri, meaning "crown".This follows Toyota's naming tradition of using the crown name for primary models starting with the Toyota Crown in 1955, continuing with the Toyota Corona and Corolla; the Latin words for "crown" and "small crown", respectively.Incidentally, "Camry" is also an anagram for "my car".


far said...

now,in our life,many works was done by robor or electro-mechanical machine that guided by computer or electronic using the robot or electro-mechanical machine,our job can be done faster and accurately.this also will help us to finish our jobe on the time.

nurul fariha bt mohamad

SaLLy said...

The topic of the article that I had read is about stars. The basic difference between a star and a planet is that a star emits light produced in its interior by nuclear 'burning', whereas a planet only shines by reflected light.
There seem to be an enormous number of stars that are visible to the naked-eye at a really dark site but, in fact, the eye can only see about two thousand stars in the sky at one time. We can see the unresolved light of many thousands more when we look at the Milky Way, and the light of the Andromeda galaxy, which can be seen by the eye, comes from thousands of millions of stars.
The Sun is our own special star yet, as stars go, it is a very average star. There are stars far brighter, fainter, hotter and cooler than the Sun. Basically, however, all the stars we can see in the sky are objects similar to the Sun.
The Sun (and any other star) is a great ball of gas held together by its own gravity. The force of gravity is continually trying to compress the Sun towards its centre. If there were not some other force counteracting gravity, the Sun would collapse. Outward pressure is produced by the radiation from nuclear energy generation in the Sun's interior.


shanks21 said...

From the article that i have read,Bill Shankly is the most famous manager of liverpool fc.In 1959,he became the manager of liverpool fc.Liverpool were languishing in the second division at the time and there they remained until he guided the team to the championship in 1961-62. His first season in the top division saw the reds finish 8th but the following season he took the reds to the top of the division, a place they would become accustomed over the next three decades.Under his managing this club,the club have won two Football League in first division, two FA Cup and one UEFA cup.

Mohamad Zulhisyam Bin Mohd Razmi

ファーアミラ said...

Green Tea Weight Loss- Weight loss with the Help of A Wonder Herb

Hello there,I have read this article on green tea for the best diet to lose weight.Besides that, it also increases the metabolism level in the human body, anti- aging properties, acting as a catalyst in cell regeneration, reducing the process of oxidation in the system and etc.
Apart from just the intake of green tea, one should also do regular exercise for the body. this is to increase the body stamina while taking healthy herbs in our body. So, why don't you give green tea a try and apply it as your daily diet.

FA 09040

ファーアミラ said...


I've read an article about the intelligence of a dolphine.
I found at that dolphines are theoritically intelligent after all.
This is because Dolphines are easily trained and they learn exceptionally fast. However, recent research has shown that the amount of braincells found in dolphines is comparatively small. Scientists are coming to conclusions that the dolphine is probably less intelligent that once thought.
Humans have many more braincells and can therefore learn and think a lot more quicker. From
the old stories that I've read in the article, a dolphine onced saved Telemachus, the son of navigator Odysseus, that fell into the sea and nearly drowned. Fortunately , a dolphine saved him and brought him to shore.
These stories are very unrealistic for these times and are completely discarded by modern scientists.
Apart form that, dolphines are highly intelligent mammals.

In my opinion, dolphines might have high intelligents compared to other mammals or fishes in the sea. As far as I know, dolphines are the most friendly mammals alive.


FA 09040


Anonymous said...

The boundary between future and present is diminishing. Hopefully, this technology will come out sooner, so that I could watch TV and movies just by opening my eyes.


sya said...

Based on the article I have been read, as one of the contact lens user, I totally agree that contact lens brings much benefit to us specifically for the users. In general, contact lens (also known simply as a contact) is a corrective, cosmetic, or therapeutic lens usually placed on the cornea of the eye. It brings much more advantages compare to the spectacle. The advantages include they are less affected by wet weather, do not steam up, and provide a wider field of vision. These situation will give the suitable condition to the users. Furthermore, for the active person like me, I does not facing any problem to be active in sports. Otherwise, by using the contact lens, I can involve in many sport activities in a safety mode. It do not same with the spectacles that going to be broken and so on.Besides that, personally, to me wearing the contact lens make me more confident in physical appearance and personality.
Siti Aisyah Binti Mustapha

sya said...

Based on the article I have been read, as one of the contact lens user, I totally agree that contact lens brings much benefit to us specifically for the users. In general, contact lens (also known simply as a contact) is a corrective, cosmetic, or therapeutic lens usually placed on the cornea of the eye. It brings much more advantages compare to the spectacle. The advantages include they are less affected by wet weather, do not steam up, and provide a wider field of vision. These situation will give the suitable condition to the users. Furthermore, for the active person like me, I does not facing any problem to be active in sports. Otherwise, by using the contact lens, I can involve in many sport activities in a safety mode. It do not same with the spectacles that going to be broken and so on.Besides that, personally, to me wearing the contact lens make me more confident in physical appearance and personality.
Siti Aisyah Binti Mustapha

sengbel said...

More doors open for graduates
Today I have read an article about ‘ The More Doors Open for Graduates’. In my part opinion, I think all of us need to have a glance on this article. It seems to be very useful information for us as undergraduates which leads us to know about the working life and the outside world. According to the article, MDeC and Sun have banded together to offer local university graduates the ¬opportunity to master open-source skills and there is a demand for the software fields. I think this will broaden up our opportunity in the working field. Under the partnership, Sun will provide the graduates with industry-recognized technology training and certification tools, through MDeC’s network of institutions of higher learning. The training which will be conducted will absolutely leads the students to master Java which is a program of language developed by Sun Microsystems. In addition to that, we will learn about Open Solaris, Sun’s open-source operating system, around which the vendor has built developer and user ¬communities. Also on the cards is to make the graduates experts in MySQL, a relational database management system that ¬reportedly has more than 11 million installations worldwide, The students will gain ¬relevant IT skills which will improve their employability, and the initiative will also help meet the local industry’s demand for competent IT profession. The programmes are designed to enable IT ¬professionals to better harness Sun’s leading open-source ¬technologies. Its definitely will improve our communication, interaction skills¬, technical and problem-solving skills.
I hope all of us may go to the link below to get more details on the article which I have read.
( source : http://star


syima zainal said...

The article is about a well known physician, Albert Einstein. He was born on March 14, 1879. He is the one who introduced the word about lots of new things in our daily life. Einstein is best known for his theories of special relativity and general relativity. Einstein’s early papers all come from attempts to demonstrate that atoms exist and have a finite nonzero size. Unfortunately his theory was not accepted by all physicists at that time. They won’t believe that atoms are really exist although many chemists have many evidence about that. His first major result in t field of thermodynamic fluctuations which is theory of thermodynamic fluctuations. When in equilibrium, a system has maximum entropy and according to the statistical interpretation, it can fluctuate a little bit. World have lost the most brilliant physician on 17 April 1955 because of internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. I do hope that there will be the next physician as good as Einstein in the future.


mashimaro said...

From the article i have read i think Apple's iTunes 9.0.2 update is part of Apple's rollout of Apple TV version 3.0. The new iTunes comes with several new features and improvements including a new look and feel, easier browsing and navigation, and more flexibility with syncing, according to Apple.While the update allows iPod and iPhone users to organize home screens directly in iTunes by allowing syncing of individual artists, genres or TV shows and Podcast episodes, it also once again wipes out the ability for Palm Pre users to sync iTunes files.I can conclude that apple iTunes is very good to used.
NOrfatin murshida mohamad nordin

Anonymous said...

I just read an article about hydrogen cars. Nowdays, the issues about global warming and its largest contributer that is air pollution always been talking around the world. This issues have made the entire mankind to search for renewable and safe natural resources that can be used for many generations to come. One of the solution that had been found is by create a hydrogen cars. Hydrogen cars can be put in simple words as a car or a vehicle that uses hydrogen as a fuel for its engine to work. I think this hydrogen cars was create not just because it is Eco-friendly and do not pose any threat to the environment, but it also bring many advantages compare to fuel cars. As we know nowdays, fossil fuels are limited and it also cannot be renewable. Whereas, hydrogen is available in plenty and hence you need not worry about the depletion of hydrogen. So, U must think wisely before U buy the car and make sure U get the right car not only for U but also for the enviroment.


kiki said...

I have read Apple's iPhone made its long-awaited formal debut in the world's most populous mobile phone market, without a key feature and at higher prices than widely available black market models.Apple's local partner, China Unicom Ltd., hopes the sleek smartphone will give it an edge against giant rival China Mobile Ltd., the world's biggest phone company by subscribers.Unicom started selling iPhones equipped for third-generation service Friday night at 2,000 stores in areas as farflung as Tibet. Chinese news reports say Unicom hopes to sell 5 million in three years, but the company declined to confirm that."Ever since we first launched the iPhone, we greatly anticipated bringing it to China," an Apple vice president, Greg Joswiak, said at a launch ceremony at a Beijing shopping mall.
Furthermore, Unicom's first iPhones lack WiFi, a possible handicap with sophisticated, demanding Chinese buyers. The technology, a key part of the iPhone's appeal, allows the phones in other markets to use free wireless networks in cafes and offices to download e-mail and the latest applications. So I think the apple's iPhone mobile is better than the other phone because it have more advantages compare to other phone.

That all from me..


Anonymous said...

hello everybody..
i have read an article about the twin skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which is the Petronas twin tower.The worlds' tallest twin tower were designed by the Argentinean-American architect Cesar Pelli and standing 1,483 ft (452 m) high.The 88-story buildings are connected at levels 41 and 42 by a double-decker pedestrian sky bridge.The Petronas Twin Towers were the tallest buildings in the world until Taipei 101, as measured to the top of their structural components.Besides, The Sears Tower and the World Trade Centre’s roofs and highest occupied floors substantially exceed the height of the roof and highest floors of the Petronas Twin Towers. The Sears Tower’s tallest antenna is about 250 feet (76 meter) taller than the Petronas Twin Towers’ spires. Although other buildings such as the Sears Tower have higher occupied floors, a higher antenna, and a higher roof, the Petronas Twin Towers' spires are classified as architectural details and rise to 452 m (1483 feet), giving it the greatest structural height until Taipei 101. We as Malaysian should be proud for what we have.


sangpenyu said...

while surfing the internet, i found an article about meteor and i find that it quite interesting. A meteor is the visible streak of light that occurs when a meteoroid enters the Earth's atmosphere. Its speed is about 30,000 miles per hour, that is very awesome. I think even superman cannot beat that speed.. ^_^
The larger meteors are sometimes broken bits off asteroids or other planets. The small stuff is often dust left by a passing comet. A meteor sometimes explodes above the surface, causing widespread damage from the blast and ensuing fire.

FA09080 (SECTION 4)

Wandering Ministrel said...

I have read an article about "HP Pavilion DV2 Notebook" a device which i currently particularly own. The HP Pavilion DV2 comes with a AMD Athlon NEO 1.66 ghz processor which is similar to Atom but is significantly faster. This notebook weighs around 1.8 kg near to the weight of a netbook. Although the DV2 could potentially be grouped with netbooks due to its portability, (coming with only a 12-inch screen near to the 9 or 10 inch netbook screen) in my opinion, this notebook is a class of its own. Despite its portability, it comes with a dedicated graphic processor the Radeon HD3450 and comes with a 320 GB HDD. Although it does not have an internal DVD player/Burner (for obvious reasons), it comes free with an external one (throughout my experience I rarely use the optical drive though). Putting the specs aside, the notebook's design is deemed cute by the students in UMP. Everywhere I go within the university, people will give remarks (notably girls) of how cute my notebook is. The DV2 is glossy and have extremely rounded edges with a huge circular HP logo in the front giving reason to its "cuteness".

All in all, if you wish for a notebook with a cute look but a powerful performance get the HP pavilion Dv2.


Susan Chia said...

I am a Sony fans and I am now fall in love with this Sony camera DSC-TX1/P.

With high technology, this 10.2 Mega pixel T series 4x optical zoom cyber shot can capture cleaner and sharper night shots.

From it's outer design, it is totally attractive especially it's colorful choices.Like other model of camera produce fron Sony, it's remain it's slim and stylist design.

This camera's standard retail price is around RM1499.00. Although it might be not affordtable to some people, but for those who cares about their camera qualities, this is absolutely a smart choice!!!


Source: p+++e32?site=hp en MY i


sumi said...
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sumi said...

I have read an article on planet Pluto. From the article, i get to learn many things about this planet.Planet Pluto is one of the smallest planet of all. It is located very far from earth and this has caused complications among many astronomers to get details about this planet. Pluto is 39 times as far from the Sun as the earth is! Besides that, the Pluto is mainly brown in colour. The planet is covered by methane gas and it is one of the most coldest planet in our solar system. Because Pluto's density is low, astronomers think Pluto is mainly icy. Scientists doubt Pluto has any form of life.The existence of planet Pluto was first predicted by a scientist named Percival Lowell. In 1915, he predicted the location of a new planet and began searching for it but he died in 1916 without finding it. Then the prediction was used by another astronomer named Clyde W.Tombaugh to continue finding for the planet with the help of other astronomers.Finally, the planet was found in 1930! It is just so amazing to read about how our astronomers and scientists have worked to find and create new things and make revolutionary changes to human life.


SB09063 (SEC 2)

bakkeong said...

Self reliance is a important and major habit in our community. Starting from primary school, we participate in co-curriculum that enable us to learn about some useful skill that can be use to self reliance. When we step into secondary school, knowledge that we can had improve a lot due to the time we concentrate, especially on Saturday. Now, in UMP, we still learn this kind of skill which is First Aid course. This is the vast skill that we must learn that to help people when needed. In our community, we seldom rely to government and can help each other especially our neighbour. In the meantime, architects, engineers, regulators and government officials should take heed, and think about creating systems that don’t leave us hanging when things go wrong.

Ng Yew Keong

Alicia Beh said...

This is another example of wonderful article. The writer of this article using simple language in his article and enable everyone whose reading this article to understand the concept. He is using direct language instead of literally languages. The writer also provides good contents in this article such as advices to make people realize that perfection is not necessary to make your life happy. He said that life will be happier if we letting go of our quest about perfection. I totally agree with his opinion as for me, everybody has his or her own ability and lacking. Nobody is perfect in this world. Even though everyone wish to be perfect, but in fact, going into perfection only a desire and just to satisfy ourselves. Therefore, everyone should letting go of their feeling of wanting to be perfect as to be happy in life, all you have to do is just appreciate yourselves and be grateful of what you have.

Source :

Alicia Beh.

sAmaD said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sAmaD said...

I've read the article about air pollution. Actually, air pollution is the introduction of chemicals, particular matter, or biological materials that cause harm or discomfort to humans or other living organisms, or damages the natural environment , into the atmosphere.The atmosphere is a complex, dynamic natural gaseous system that is essential to support life on planet Earth. Stratospheric ozone depletion due to air pollution has long been recognized as a threat to human health as well as to the Earth's ecosystem.An air pollutant is known as a substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made.Pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are substances directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories.


FA 09081