Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Reading Entry 3

* Please post all your comments/reviews on the articles that you had read in the comment column.


sya said...

One of the current issue is the bad effects of plastic. Obviously, from the article I read, I knew that the plastic bottle can be reused a few times only. This is because when the plastic bottle is washed many times, the bottle will corrode and release synthetic chemical substance called Bisphenol A. This chemical substance will interferes the body's natural hormonal system. Soon, it will bring to breast and uterine cancer, increase the risk of miscarriage and decrease the testosterone level. Besides that, do not exposed the plastic to the sun or put the hot food or drinks to the plastic. This is because, the high temperature will stimulate the production of chemical substances that is harm to our health. To me, Malaysia people still lack of awareness about this issue. We should use alternative way such use thermos to put the hot drink. We might not see the effect on the short period. However, when the chemical substances accumulated inside our body, then it will lead to the those various diseases.


Siti Aisyah Binti Mustapha.
SB09002 ( Section 1 )

furious fiez said...

Maybe not all people know or care about the genetic syndrome that causes by the something wrong with our chromosome.I read article about one of the genetic problem, CRI DU CHAT (krai du kat),also known as chromosome 5p deletion syndrome,it is a rare genetic disorder due to a missing part of chromosome 5.Gets its name from the characteristics cry of affected infants,which is similar to that of a meowing kitten,due to problems with the larynx and nervous system.Other symptoms are feeding problems because of difficulty swallowing & sucking,poor growth,motor delays severe cognitive,hyperactivity, aggression,repetitive movement,excessive dribbling, constipation.The condition affects an estimates 1 in 20000 to 50000 live births,strikes all ethnicities and is more commonin females by a 4:3 ratio.I think the scientist should try to find the way to reduce this problem & the parents also should play their role by practice the healthy life.For those who know with anybody with this syndrome try to take care & treat them properly...



Cheyah said...

I read an article about snakes as pets. I believe that, most of people do not think the idea to keep snake as pet is the right decision. The reason is snake dangerous to human. But, in my opinion, snake or even other reptiles can be our pets as we know how to take care of them. The most important thing, we must know the best way to handle that kind of animals. From the article,
I have learnt on how to choose the best snake and snakes to avoid especially for the beginners. There are some general information about the pet snake and this really helpful for us. Mmm, maybe someday I would like to keep a beautiful snake as a pet... =)



photokabur said...
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photokabur said...

i read an article about problem of teaching english in malaysia. I'm quite agree with that statements. In case to improve english in community of Malaysia, extreme action must be taken. The mindset must be changed. Before we go discussion any further, goverment should make same drastic action like exposure to young kid. If it correctly taught, our country will have young generation with advanced in two compulsory languages, Malay(this is important) and second is English. It benefits ME and YOU when finding job and working with companies. It's such a great bonus.


Fakhrul Amin bin Ramli

JeeJian said...
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JeeJian said...
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JeeJian said...

I just read an article about space exploration. From the article, I found out that all the space technologies that are use by human is improving from year to year. On 4th of October 1957, the USSR launched 1st man-made object, that is Sputnik 1 to orbit the Earth. Then, Yuri Gagarin becomes 1st man in space. Did you know that NASA just celebrated 40th anniversary for their 1st Moon landing by American Apollo 11. Neil Armstrong was inside Apollo 11 when it 1st landed on Moon on 20th of July 1969. Later, 1st space station was launched on 1971. Now, the International Space Station(ISS) is still on construction and is scheduled to be complete by 2011. This sequence of space events show that the space technologies is improving. So, what I hope is that space exploration will help to improve humans'
living lifestyle such as maybe human can migrate to Mars.

(Source: Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Ong Jee Jian

Calvin said...

The article that I've read,is about Mother Teresa. For the things that she has done: left home to be a teacher in Loreto, being the founder of diocesan congregation that would become Missionaries Of Charity, opening Nirmala Shishu Bhavan(the Children's Home of the Immaculate Heart), opening of the hospice Shanti Nagar (City of Peace), opening of hospices, orphanages, and leper houses all over India....later follwed by Macedonia, Venezuela in 1965, Rome, Tanzania, and Austria in 1968,then later in the 1970s the order opened houses and foundations in dozens of countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, and the United States and so on and so forth.. There's so much more hospice, outreach clinics, orphanages, etc etc that Mother Teresa/the order which she 1st founded open,which I felt lazy to copy and paste the names of the missionary homes because there's so many of them!
Even Pope John Paul II gave the title Blessed Teresa of Calcutta to Mother Teresa at her funeral.
Her death is a huge loss to the nations from all over the world. She sets a great example for all to follow.

(Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, Mother Teresa)


noR haFriZ binTi aBd haLiL said...

How we can find true friendship in this fast and selfish world. This world is not a permanent world and our lifein this tempory world is very short like a thin string tied between two edges. Friends must share like and dislikes, interest, views, passion of their life and world.
True friendship involves relationship.Those mutual attributes we mentioned above become the foundation in which recognition transpires into relationship.Trust is essential to true friendship. We all need someone with whom we can share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations. We need to be able to share our deepest secrets with someone, without worrying that those secrets will end up on the Internet the next day! Failing to be trustworthy with those intimate secrets can destroy a friendship in a hurry. Faithfulness and loyalty are key to true friendship. Without them, we often feel betrayed, left out, and lonely. In true friendship, there is no backbiting, no negative thoughts, no turning away. Real friends encourage one another and forgive one another where there has been an offense. Genuine friendship supports during times of struggle. Friends are dependable. In true friendship, unconditional love develops. We love our friends no matter what and we always want the best for our friends.


Cicadas said...

Friendster is internet social networking website.This website allow us to contat others numbers,maintain those contact and share online content and media with other contact.This website is used to find friends,discovering new event,hobbies and many more.For me,it good to find new friends along i am very friendly.This website help me to fill up my leisure time


MUhamad Ridzuan bin Ali Khan

Anonymous said...

I have read an article about the used of tires around the world. As we know, tires are made from rubber but according to the article, there are tires that made from trees which are better, cheaper and more efficient compare to the previous one. A test shows that the products would have better traction during hot or rainy weather. The materials that are used to produce this product are cellulose fibre and carbon black that are very dense and reduce the fuel efficiency of automobiles. When I read through this article, I think the idea is interesting because we can save our nature source. In addition, it is enviromental friendly. Can we imagine one day automobiles owners around the world driving in tires that are partly made out of trees? Interesting right? Hope that I can also have this chance too..



aziraazmi said...

It was interesting to know about other culture.I have read an article about kimono,one of Japanese garment which I hope to try it on.The kimono is a Japanese traditional garment worn by women, men and children.The word "kimono",which literally means a "thing to wear" ,has come to denote these full-length robes.Kimonos are T-shaped, straight-lined robes worn so that the hem falls to the ankle, with attached collars and long, wide sleeves.Kimonos are wrapped around the body,always with the left side over the right(except when dressing the dead for burial) and secured by a sash called an obi, which is tied at the back.Kimonos are generally worn with traditional footwear (especially zori or geta) and split-toe socks (tabi).Today,kimonos are most often worn by women and on special occasions.Traditionally, unmarried women wore a style of kimono called furisode,with almost floor-length sleeves on special occasions.A few older women and even fewer men still wear the kimono on a daily basis.Men wear the kimono most often at weddings,tea ceremonies and other very special or very formal occasions.Professional sumo wrestlers are often seen in the kimono because they are required to wear traditional Japanese dress whenever appearing in public.From this article,I know that Japanese are proud with their traditional garment.So,Malaysian also should wear our traditional garments to show we also proud to be Malaysian.^_^


Anonymous said...

From the article that i been choose,Insomnia or inability to fall asleep, is causes because of anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug abuse, jet lag, and chronic painful medical conditions. Adult will suffer insomnia at some time or other in their lives. There are some ways to treat insomnia, we need to identified strtessful events which may improve sleep patterns. Besides, there some complementary therapy had been suggest to treat insomnia, such as Relaxation therapy, reflexology, Alexander technique, yoga and tai chi may all help promote a sense of well-being, relieve anxiety and may improve sleep patterns at night.

Rabbiatul Addawiyyah Bt Ahmad Bustaman
Section 8

kEMe said...

From this article, I can say that the virus that causes Swine Flu (H1N1) is more dangerous than originally thought. The influenza viruses, H1N1 virus can infect cells deep in the lungs, causing pneumonia and in some cases, death. In our country today, we can see, hear and read in television, newspaper and magazines about the death cause by this virus. The sad thing about this Swine Flu (H1N1), the death is still increasing days by days. :( Do all of you know the symptoms of this virus??? Are we the next victims?? May God bless and save all of us….Amin.



FaRhAH Za'Ba said...

i was read an article about Dark Chocolate is Good For Your Health
By Sharon Jull. this article is good for someone who love chocolate, and someone who was think bad about you know, dark chocolate contain lower cholesterol levels and can protect the body from aging.. Before this, i thought all types of chocolate is not good for health and contain higher cholesterol, but this article was prove it.
Moreover, dark chocolate has even more antioxidants than the acai berry or blueberries, it so amazing! dark chocolate also contain anti-depressant and at the same time contains a natural stimulant called theobromine. wow, i got a lot of information in this article. so, lets we eat dark chocolate today!


SarahMaisarah said...

Eating chocolate makes us feel good. But why exactly? Is it the taste? Is there something inside the chocolate? Researchers are trying to answer all these questions.

This is what they do know: chocolate contains more than 500 natural chemical compounds, some of which have been categorized as mood-elevating and pleasure-inducing.

Following is a list of the compounds believed to have some effects on the brain.

Chocolate contains relatively small amounts of caffeine, about as much as a cup of decaffeinated coffee. A 1.5 ounce milk chocolate bar has 11 mg of caffeine, while a similar-sized dark chocolate bar has 27 mg of caffeine. In contrast, a 12-ounce mug of coffee has 200 mg.

Phenylethylamine (PEA):
This compound may be responsible for some of the pleasurable feelings you get after eating chocolate because it releases natural feel-good chemicals called endorphins in your brain. PEA is released by the brain when people are falling in love.



nas said...

i read an artical about windmill electricity. i think that windmill electricity give many advantage to us. windmill electricity can save our future economyand also energy can help us to handle our energy crisis and provide global warming. so, our daily life much batter and comfortable. what the most important is, windmill not cause the any polution to the environment. better than that, air much clearer and more cleaner to breathe. we can breathe in fresh air and make our mind to create positive thinking. more over, windmill helps to improve the quality of our life. outomaticaly, ozone layer also will even be allowed to slowly repair itself.

Article Source:

siti nur ain bt md salleh FA09045, FA03

mira said...

Assalamualaikum and hello to all my friends. Today, we all know about the new virus which is Influenza that attacks our world. In my opinion, influenza is a new influenza virus causing illness in people. This new virus was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009. This virus is spreading from person-to-person worldwide, probably in much the same way that regular seasonal influenza viruses spread. On June 11, 2009, the World Health Organization (WHO) signaled that a pandemic of novel H1N1 flu was underway. This virus was originally referred to as “swine flu” because laboratory testing showed that many of the genes in this new virus were very similar to influenza viruses that normally occur in pigs (swine) in North America. But further study has shown that this new virus is very different from what normally circulates in North American pigs. It has two genes from flu viruses that normally circulate in pigs in Europe and Asia and bird (avian) genes and human genes. Scientists call this a "quadruple reassortant" virus. Spread of H1N1 virus is thought to occur in the same way that seasonal flu spreads. Flu viruses are spread mainly from person to person through coughing or sneezing by people with influenza. Sometimes people may become infected by touching something – such as a surface or object – with flu viruses on it and then touching their mouth or nose.
Illness with the new H1N1 virus has ranged from mild to severe. While most people who have been sick have recovered without needing medical treatment, hospitalizations and deaths from infection with this virus have occurred. In seasonal flu, certain people are at “high risk” of serious complications. This includes people 65 years and older, children younger than five years old, pregnant women, and people of any age with certain chronic medical conditions. About 70 percent of people who have been hospitalized with this novel H1N1 virus have had one or more medical conditions previously recognized as placing people at “high risk” of serious seasonal flu-related complications. This includes pregnancy, diabetes, heart disease, asthma and kidney disease. One thing that appears to be different from seasonal influenza is that adults older than 64 years do not yet appear to be at increased risk of novel H1N1-related complications thus far. CDC laboratory studies have shown that no children and very few adults younger than 60 years old have existing antibody to novel H1N1 flu virus; however, about one-third of adults older than 60 may have antibodies against this virus. It is unknown how much, if any, protection may be afforded against novel H1N1 flu by any existing antibody.



law said...

I have read about the article computer software. Software refers to parts of the computer which do not have a material form, such as programs, data, and protocols. I would be learning more and more with the computer software. For example, Microsoft window (window XP, window vista), Graphical user interface (WIMP), Design and manufacturing, Software Engineering, and…… . This software can save document daily. I’m not need to remember the entire thing in my mine. Besides that, computer software also fast calculates in mathematic compare with the human being. But, human being is thinking more real while the computer software is fix onto thinking. If this software didn’t occur, I have to use manila card and paper to present. With this software, I will be easily for my lifestyle.


law wai kit

Freedom said...

Code Geass, one of the most renowned anime from Japan is truly a masterpiece after i finished watching it and from the amount of awards it received, you would have to admit that the much anticipated 'King' of the anime is here. I would say that it is a jack of all trades as it brings out the best in science fiction, strategic warfare, romance, drama, psychology and etc. Another impressive factor is the plot is something totally out of this world. There are so many sharp turning in the story that you won't see what's coming next and plus the element of suspense and surprise, it definitely take your breath away!!

One of the best element in Code Geass is, as mentioned in the article, is the gap between the powerful and the powerless. After Japan succumbed to the reign of the Holy Britannian Empire (which is USA) the Elevens (which is the Japanese) were treated as lower-ranked citizens. This is a direct reflection of the slavery system in USA that leads to the American Civil War.



wardah said...

The ‘hot and spicy’ story is about influenza A (H1N1) that spread over the country. From this article, recently, the flu hit 13 people and the number of infections is increasing. This article also explain how to prevent this flu from spread such as if we have symptoms like flu and cough, immediately go to the nearest clinic for treatment and we must avoid from the public. The best is quarantine at home and make sure minimize communication with family members too. When we want to go out, make sure to wear mask with a three-ply face mask.


Dams3l said...
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Dams3l said...

I have read about an article that is tsunami.We know that tsunami are currently also called tidal wave.Tsunami may caused of sea movement which results of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides beneath the ocean, or an asteroid, striking the earth.In the open ocean, tsunamis may have wavelengths of up to several hundred miles and travel at speeds up to 500 mi per hr (800 km per hr), yet have wave heights of less than 3 ft (1 m), which pass unnoticed beneath a ship at sea. The period between the crests of a tsunami's waves varies from 5 min to about 1 hr.when they reach shallow water along the coast,they become slowed causes their length are shorten and their height are risen. Imagine that when they break, they might destroy the piers, building, beaches and even take human life.The wave as height as they crash upon the shore depends almost entirely upon the submarine topography offshore.It tends to rise greatly depends on the certain areas.


SB09014 (Section 2)

mei yin said...

This article is about the connection between obesity, duration and frequency of hospital stays. The research states that for an obese people, they tend to have longer hospital stays than normal people. The main reason behind this extra hospitalization is the disease where obesity is linked with diseases such as type II diabetes, blood pressure and heart attacks.
Type II diabetes is a general form of diabetes where the body does not produce enough insulin or that the cells in the body disregard insulin. In the end, the glucose level in blood increases because the glucose could not diffused into cells but to stay in the bloodstream.
Blood pressure is the presence of the blood flow in the body from the heart to the body cells and vice versa. When the blood pressure increase, a possible follow up of a stroke or heart attack will occur. Heart attack is the result from a prolonged hardening and narrowing of the arteries that carries blood to the heart while coronary heart disease is where the buildup of fats in the blood vessel walls blocked the blood flow to the heart causing the heart cells to die.


mira said...

Hello everyone..
I have read a book about recipe for success. it's about Linda Fisher story..Linda Fisher very nearly gave up when the Carroll county health officials put her out of business. She was a baker down to her bones, and yet they were telling her that she could not bake. Even worse, she was being humiliated in front of all her friends. She felt like a complete failure in their eyes. Defeats don't come much more disheartening than that.
But Linda Fisher didn't gives up or move out of town. She got a lucky break, and then she set out on her route again, despite her apprehension about how her friends would treat her. The warm and happy reception she received was a blessing that Linda Fisher might have missed had she slunk out of town. And it was only possible after the heartbreak of her defeat. By then, of course, Linda Fisher was no stranger to enduring hard time. she did not think in terms of failures and success. She thought more on bumps in the road that had to be traversed. like the recipes her mother handed down to her, her approach to handling adversity was simple and get past it somehow, then go on.
In my opinion, this story i can conclude it had three moral story.. There are:
A) You won't get everything right the first time.
This is show when Linda Fisher learned this lesson in the kitchen, where messy setbacks are the rule, not the exception. And, in life as well, goals are rarely accomplished right out of the chute. Linda Fisher had to try different jobs and consider different goals before it dawned on her that baking was the thing she was meant to do. And even after that she had to win and lose several clients before she found her greatest success as a baker. What kept her going was her stark and simple goal. She make enough money to support her young son and stay off welfare.
B) Accept that paying dues is part of the deal.
Navigating those steps and bumps will not always be easy. Some appear impossibly steep, and many times it takes sacrifice and hardship to surmount them. But as Linda Fisher learned in the kitchen, nothing great can be created without a little elbow grease. No one should expect to rise to his or her desire heights without a few kicks in the shins from fate. In fact, they should feel cheated if their path to the top is unencumbered.
C) Do what you do with love, and you'll be rewarded
When flour and sugar were not the most important ingredients in Linda Fisher's muffins - love was. Without it, she would have been just another baker, and not the beloved Muffin Lady embraced by an entire town. The lesson here is that success and failure are incidental considerations which the one thing that you can control is how you do your work. True greatness is the result of extraordinary effort coupled with a genuine love for the task. Linda Fisher never made a muffin that wasn't baked with pride and passion-with love that her mother and her grandmother passed on to her. That's why, when she hit tough times, her friends were there to pick her up to return the love they always received from her.


fischer said...

Salam and hi everyone,
have you ever eat using a chopsticks? Actually chopsticks consists of a pair of tapered stick of equal length.It is made up of bamboos,plastic and etc.The etiquette of using chopsticks is held between thumb and the fingers of one hand.Using lefthand while handling chopsticks is considered as improper etiquette.Besides,food is generally made into small pieces in chopsticks-using culture.Rice also is cooked with clumping structure so that it is conducive to eat with chopsticks.Chopsticks usually have blunt or pointed end.Why?Blunt end chopsticks provide more surface area for holding food and for pushing rice into the mouth.Pointed chopsticks allow for easier manipulation of food and for picking out bones from cooked fish.


sarah fathiah said...
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sarah fathiah said...

hai everybody....!!!!
from this article, i would like to share all of you about why coffee is not good for children..
as we know, the coffee is not good for children. it is because in the coffee has many amount of caffeine and it become effect to children like obese. the contains of coffee is empty colories. thats mean the colories have no nutrients. as we know, the children should take more nutrients to balance when they grow up. it is also flushed out a lot of water from the body leading to dehydration. then,the coffee is also aggravate heart prolems and nervous disorders. lastly, it contains compounds which iron and make it difficult to be absorbed by the body.



J.FaRRaH said...

Dear Mr.Shafierul and fellow readers,

I have read an article about nurturing the reading habits in young children. Nurturing positive reading habits in young children helps make them readers for life. When we start reading to children in the first six months of life, they begin to recognize everyday objects in books and anticipate sounds in rhymes. Snuggled up with Mum or Dad they enjoy listening to the rhythm of words and familiar phrases. By the time they are two, toddlers realize that books contain ideas and stories that are read to them by caring adults. Soon they'll start to read. Even though they can't, yet, decipher the letters, children mimic adult behaviour, believing they are reading. Motivated three and four year-olds ask questions about words and letters because they love books. They're getting ready to take off into independent reading.

Children who are brought up on a healthy diet of books, shared with a caring adult, want to master the skills they need to decode letters into sounds and words. Research shows that when we read, and talk, we learn to read naturally, because we want to. Lets read to increas our knowledge and languages

source: Reader Digest,People and Reading, June 2006.



The features of mobile phone, sony ericsson k770i,there is 3.2-megapixel camera with auto focus,
while just a few clicks,photo Fix enable you to take the picture in dark room and also let's sharing snapshots into the the picture blogging faster and easier.
During a video call, users see a live video stream of the person they're talking to - and vice versa. Besides,we can enjoy streamed and recorded video and music using the integrated Media player with several file formats supported
Just take a few seconds to record music and TrackID (powered by Gracenote Mobile MusicID) returns the song name, artist and album to the phone.
Moreover we can quick transfer the data speeds - up to 384 kbps give users fast, easy access to a world of video calls, audio and video streaming, Web surfing, multimedia messaging and email


The features of mobile phone, sony ericsson k770i,there is 3.2-megapixel camera with auto focus,
while just a few clicks,photo Fix enable you to take the picture in dark room and also let's sharing snapshots into the the picture blogging faster and easier.
During a video call, users see a live video stream of the person they're talking to - and vice versa. Besides,we can enjoy streamed and recorded video and music using the integrated Media player with several file formats supported
Just take a few seconds to record music and TrackID (powered by Gracenote Mobile MusicID) returns the song name, artist and album to the phone.
Moreover we can quick transfer the data speeds - up to 384 kbps give users fast, easy access to a world of video calls, audio and video streaming, Web surfing, multimedia messaging and email



Nicgoh said...

I did a research about global warming recently,and i was shocked with the information that i have found,over a hundred years ago or so,the instrumental temperature record has shown a trend in climate of increased global mean temperature(global warming).Releases of terrestrial carbon dioxide from permafrost regions and artic methane releases in coastal sediments, and sea level rise.
Global warming has a very great physical impacts in our life, for example effects on weather, increasing in temperature is likely to lead to increasing in precipitation but the effects on storms are less clear.
Futhermore,evaporation rates have reduced worldwide, this is thought by many to be explained by global dimming. As the climate grows warmer, the causes of glabal dimming are reduced, evaporation rates will increased due to warmer oceans.As a results, it causes heavier rainfall with more erosion .
Then the sea level rises as well due the increasing temperatures, the water in the oceans expands in volume, and additional water enters them them which had previously been locked up on land in glaciers for example the greenland. For the glaciers worldwide,an average volume loss of 60% until 2050 is expected.
Most serious is the depletion of oxygen level dissolved in oceans are getting lesser nowadays with adverse consequences for ocean life.
Being a responsible human staying in this wonderful earth with plenty of natural resources,fantastic views, we should do our part in saving the earth together.

Goh Boon Chaw

amesz said...

Gothic Lolita is a fashion by japanese teenagers to manifest their favourite Visual Rock stars. The clothing style tends to imitate the looks of Victorian porcelain dolls. It has been described as “French Maid meets Alice in Wonderland style”. Japanese culture places a higher value upon extremely youthful appearance and cuteness is very popular among Japanese teenagers. However in Gothic Lolitas, it can be described more as creepy cute. During weekends women dressed up as Gothic Lolitas pose for tourist’s pictures. It is also another way to gain attraction from the public.

In Japan it is mass-marketed and has wide visibility particularly in the streets of Tokyo and Osaka, on television as well as on manga. The fashion was influenced and popularise by Visual Rock bands such as X Japan. These are bands that wears elaborate costumes during their performance.Honestly, it is a scary fashion to be look at....

junpin said...

I have read an article about Hepatitis B. Hepatitis B is the most common liver infection in the world. Hepatitis B does not spread through water and food. Instead, it is transmitted from one person to another via blood. Symptoms will develop within 30-180 days after expose to the virus. The symptoms are fatigue, itching all over the body, appetite loss, pain over the liver, vomitting and urine becomes dark in colour. Currently, none of the available drugs can clear the infection but they can stop the virus from replicating. Hopefully, one day, the medical research can find out the best treatment for this disease.



@mir said...

I have read about a medical latest research. It is about gene mutation may speed learning. If this research is develop in our country it will a great change for our people. We can develop our country to more develop country. We can invented our own aeroplane, handphone, and other things. By adapting more easily and learning quickly from mistakes, volunteers with a version of the so-called COMT gene known as Val/Val won more points than participants with a version of the gene called Met/Met.

COMT encodes for an enzyme that breaks down dopamine and other neurotransmitters. Drugs known as COMT inhibitors are used to treat Parkinson's and other disorders.

With this development we also can cure parkinson. It give us many advantages if we can get this development.


Amirul Akmal bin Mohammad Yazid

erniey barney said...

hey all
lately i felt a few times chest pain..
so i search about the symptom of heart attack..
the research from National Institute of Health say that women often experience the symptom a month or more before they get the heart attack disease. the symptom are mostly unusual fatigue, sleep disturbance and also shortness of breath.
Surprisingly, fewer than 30% reported having chest pain or discomfort prior to their heart attacks, and 43% reported have no chest pain during any phase of the attack. Most doctors, however, continue to consider chest pain as the most important heart attack symptom in both women and men.
the women symptom cannot be predicted say Patricia A.Grady, PhD, RN, Director of the NINR.they rarely get chest pain,that is they major detected of the men symptom.

The woman's major symptoms prior to their heart attack included:

# Unusual fatigue - 70%
# Sleep disturbance - 48%
# Shortness of breath - 42%
# Indigestion - 39%
# Anxiety - 35%

nurernie sabrilna mesman

msy_ump said...

History of Laptop Computers
This article tells about the history of laptop. The human so intelligent. From a computer so big then create the small laptop. The note book smallest then laptop but the function also similarities. The different is size between laptop and computer. They also advantages and disadvantages. The laptop easy to bring everywhere and anytime but the computer cannot easy to bring it. Beside the laptop can use battery without power supply but the computer just have power supply? Laptop so easily broken but the computer not easily broken. The computer can use long time. The laptop cannot use for long. For student expectedly suitable use the laptop I think. Use for study not playing the game. Because the computer suitable to play that think. The laptop so easily to connect internet use without wire cable or wireless. While the computer use wire. The cafeteria gives a service free wireless to interest customer. The student can bring easily to their home when then holiday or semester break come. I also really thank to how build this computer because to make me easy do assignment and study tutorial in So, for the laptop user use your laptop for study and not use for waste time.


mia said...

Like other places, Malaysia also has its own legends, weird tales, and 'fairy tales'. One of the famous tales is pontianak, which is known as Malay female vampire. It was said always haunts lonely roads, cemeteries and jungles near villages. A lot of people said that pontianak is the woman who had tragedically died during childbirth. She wants to take revenge by drinking blood and killing her wrong-doer. She dressed in white gown, has a pale face, a flowing long hair, a blood-red eye and prangs. So, beware of this creature..


Marina bte Mohd Sham

_LoVe LiNgLiNg_ said...

Nowadays, learning foreign language is important in order communicate with people all over the world. It is easy for us to deal with people when traveling or work at other country. Foreign language also make us more confident to talk with local people at that country and they will become more friendly to us. More over, knowing other language enable us to know other tradition too. We can gain lot of information about the place that we travel. People with multi-language will think more mature and can accept the differences from others opinion. So, it is good to learn foreign language as it can enhance our knowledge to the maximum levels.



tidehunter said...

I am sure some of you have seen a graffiti at least once and amazed how these artistes manage to create something so random into a piece of art, right? Well, i just learned that to do a graffiti is not that difficult after all. First of all, you need to draw the small version of the graffiti in a piece of paper so that you can get the picture of what you are going to draw. After that, get all the necessary tools for the job and go nuts. If you never drawn a graffiti before, i suggest you read this article (below). You might need to do a lot of practicing first in order to create a good one, i say, at least 50 times, you will have a masterpiece (probably still pretty bad though). Well, everything has a first right?

Mohd Khairil Hafizi M08

shikin said...
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shikin said...
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shikin said...

The article that I have been read is the lung cancer. The lung cancer is one of the serious disease that kill thousands of America every year. Actually lung is the main part of the body fur human and it is very important because the lung allow the oxygen from the air to pass into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide to eliminate from the system. The patient who suspect lung cancer, did not no how they no the cancer spread in their lung. This is because no symptoms or any alarm to remind you that you have just get this lung cancer. So to protect this cancer spread in our body, then we must rush to see a doctor for check up immediately. However, the commons symptoms of lung cancer is always coughing without stop. If anyone suffering from recurring pneumonia or bronchitis, it maybe indication that should go to see a doctor for treatment. The person who have this cancer then they might be often complain of fatigue. Beside, swelling of neck and face also the symptoms of cancer. In conclusion, lung cancer can be prevent if stop from smoking anymore .


FirDaus said...

Do you know, every single human being will feel stress in their life. There are several ways of coping with stress. Some techniques of time management may help a person to control stress. Techniques of stress management will vary according to the theoretical paradigm adhered to, but may include exercise, relaxation techniques, meditation, getting a hobby and many more. Before you coping with your stress, you have to know what the source of your stress is. To identify your true sources of stress, look closely at your habits, attitude, and excuses. Until you accept responsibility for the role you play in creating or maintaining it, your stress level will remain outside your control. Other than that, you also have to control your stress with healthy ways. These coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long run such as smoking, drinking too much, overeating or underrating, using pills or drugs to relax and so on. So, you have to manage your stress wisely in order for you to get happiest life.

Source from

Mohd Firdaus bin Mohd Jaafar

FazHam said...

From the article that I had read which is about water pollution,I can say that man is the main cause
of water pollution. These pollution causes a lot of bad effect to the aquatic life and also human life.
People pollute the water with chemicals and other hazardous materials. They do not realize that the water is one of the main source for their daily life. There are some human activities which causes water pollution for instance improper and careless waste disposal,toxic substances coming from industrial, agricultural and domestic use. Sedimentation also one of the main cause of water pollution although it is hard to imagine how soil particles can contribute to water pollution, but it does.
The presence of excessive nutrients in the water also cause water pollution. Nitrogen and phosphorous compounds that generally come from sewage, fertilizers, and animal manure are good food sources of algae. Excess nutrients in water also result to excessive growth of algae that deprive aquatic plants and animals adequate levels of oxygen to survive. Because of this many aquatic organisms die and decay which aggravates the problem.

Lastly,people should try their best to change their attitude before this problem become worse and destroy our environment and main resources of life.

Article Source:

Hamizatun Binti Mohd Fazi
M08 (MA09057)

Hajar Zani said...

I would like to write on fish. I enjoy to watch fish under the water, freely moving and thus make me think that i must appreciate things around us. Do u know, it surprisingly, complex animals are able to feel pain, fear and stress. No wonder, sometimes we can see animals will acts uncomfortable actions. Talk about fish, i feel amaze to know that fish actually have highly developed senses. it have an excellent taste, smell and color vision. Scientific evidence also prove that fish actually are more intelligent that they appear. They have long-term memories, social structures and problem solving abilities. No wonder they can detect whether they are being in bad condition or not. That is why fishing lovers know the best way on how to catch a fish. One of the way is use the best bait and do not make noise because fish able to detect our voice. =)

(Source :


nuratieah said...

The term gothic refers to a group of spooky and mysterious people. Knowing about gothic really inspires me a lot and make me wondering about their tradition and lifestyle. They are normal people like us but they choose to live in their dark world. Gothic world is a dark and eerie atmostphere. The clothing is black and loose fitting accompanied with pale make up and dark lipstick.Their dark appearance presents an overall image of death.
They live in the world that always waits for the death and they also thinks that death world is the most suitable terminal for them. They shocked me a lot as they thing that their gothic world would take over this world one fine day, a world when there's no one left to join the darkness. They also belive, at that day the light would accepts darkness and the pleasure recognizes the roles of pain. Such a spooky world to be enter!


SB 09030 (SECTION 2)

m!E st@rPo$T said...

I just read an article about how to handle stress by by Alison Blackman Dunham of THE ADVICE SISTERS® . Frankly,his article make me realize something that before this i sure that most of the people just neglect about stress and did not know how to handle their stress.Until he was give advice and way how to handle this problem with easy ways.I just want to share to the people that stress actually give bad impact to our life if we cannot take a rational decision and just take it as simple thing.Actually,most of the problem human being face is how to handle stress.Seriously,we cannot be able to make the stress dissappear because it was a part of our life but we can reduce it with some the technique that we know.
source by:

Syamimi Soliha Binti Mohd.

atikah said...

From this article,tsunami is a large ocean wave that is caused by sudden motion on the underwater landslide.The sudden motion could be earthquake, a powerful volcanic eruption or an underwater landslide.The most tsunamis are caused by earthquakes generated in a subduction zone. When the subduction is accumulated with seismic energy, it will cause the eartquake.Then, the tsunami races away from the epicenter and tsunami travels rapidly across ocean basis.
(Nor Atikah binti Mahmood)
section 1(sb09039)

loh said...

Universe is a place which is full of mystery.There are a lot of unimaginable things there.We can learn many knowledge which cannot learn in our Earth from universe.For example,when something is massively dense,it will produce a large gravitation force which can attract almost every things toward it,even the light also cannot avoid it.This is a black hole.We cannot create the black hole in our current technology or in our earth.However,there are a lot of black holes exist in universe which produce the chances for us to do the research.There are also a lot of radioactive and various of particles inside the universe for us to do the research.I know some planets can move beyond the light speed. May be there are some kind of unknown energy to cause such large things move speedily.If we can find out the energy,we could use it in our life.I believe that there must be a lot of useful things inside the universe and still awaiting to our discoverig.


Loh Chong Sean



AMY said...
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AMY said...

i had read an article about drug coatings. From this article, drug is a substance that used commercialise as pharmaceutical product to cure the disease o the body or inside the body. When taken by the body, the organisms in the body wll produce some effects or alter some bodily functions such as relieving symptoms or curing disease. For example, insulin is considered as hormone when synthesized by the pancrease inside the body, but considered as drugs when introduced into the body from outside. It can affects the functioning of mind or body or both. Drugs are encapsulated with polymers or sugars which serve as a biodegradable mechanisms that allows them to dissolve at specific parts of the digestive track.


hasfar amynurliyana binti abdul ghofar

Anonymous said...

I have read an article about transgenic plant. ‘Transgenic plants’ refers to plants created in a laboratory using recombinant DNA technology. The aim is to design plants with specific characteristics by insertion of genes from other species or sometimes entirely different kingdoms.
Varieties containing genes of two distinct plant species are frequently created by classical breeders who deliberately force hybridization between distinct plant species when carrying out interspecific or intergeneric wide crosses with the intention of developing disease-resistant crop varieties.

(Source: article from estidotmy-edition:78)


Muhamad Ifrad said...

I have read about international space station at wikipedia. But before this i already heard about it. For me, it is the most great achievement in the technology nowadays. The construction of iss began at 1998 and will be continue until 2011. The mass of this station is 303,663 kg. It is 73 metre in length. The electrical source for iss is the solar energy. This station, is the joint project by the develop country like Japan, US and Russian. This station is the place to do experiment at microgravity. The example of the experiment that have done there like biology, astronomy, meteorology. For Malaysia, the first person that go to ISS is our first astronaut Syed Muzaffar by Soyuz. He 'brings' Malaysian to the space.

source (


fakhriah said...

(New Way To Monitor Faults May Help Predict Earthquakes)

Through article which I already read,I be able to know how occurence of earthquake such as slip or strong earth crust movement.Paul Silver and Taka'aki Taira from the Carnegie Institution's Department of Terrestrial Magnetism do the research about this incident.
In my opinion,they doing thing like this was very good because can detect early sign of earthquake.Indirectly can save many lives.
Those countries found earthquake such as in china and indonesia,should take part in this research so that can reduce people's sufferings.


v~ said...

Once again i found an interesting article.'Plants Enjoy Women's Voices More than Men's'. Is it true? It seems like an interesting facts, when i read the title, the first thing that appears in my mind is what's the coorelation between voice and plant??Does voice of a man and a woman gives different effect on a plant? From the;s been stated that a research has been taken to find out the accuracy of the fact."Sound waves are an environmental effect just like rain or light",this makes me think more and my curiousity about this increases. Feeling like after this i want to speak with plant so that it will grow faster.



sAmaD said...

One of the current disaster happened is earthquake. Earthquake (also known as a tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear experiments. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The term epicenter refers to the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.


FA 09081

rosaety said...
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farabi said...

Anime refer to the animation style originated in Japan. It is charactherized by distinctive characters and background. that visually and thematically set it apart from other form of animation. Nowaday there are thousand of anime being produced. Japan was the most major animation producer in the world. Their art are very high skilled and fascinating. Every story that have been made almost related to the real world and the other based on the imagination. The author are called "mangaka" at Japan. Anime and mnga shared many characteristics including physical features such as large eye, big hair and elongated limbs. Anime actually came from manga that produced by the author. But not all the manga were animated just some of them were selected. Today, anime has been introduced to malaysian. The greeting just like rocketed. Usually, at the bookshop there must available of this kind of stuff. It is very popular among the teenager.



rosaety said...

Test tube baby or in vitro fertilization ( I.V.F ) and embryo transfer is the process when egg is fertilized outside the woman's body and its then transfer inside the uterus.The procedure starts by taking various test and detailed ultrasound.Proper semen analysis is also done.Injection are given to produce eggs.Then,egg taken from ovary.Next,the egg placed in incubator before its fertilized,till the time sperms are collected from male partner and washed . Lastly fertilization is done.Then,the best selected embryo is transferred into the lady's uterus.

Ros Arianty bt Mohamad Ghazali

Fareedz said...

For the causes from my opinion is the causes are lack of concentration during driving.
This may one of the main causes of the tragic accident, because from what i have known that human can only concentrate effectively only when they are doing one thing at a time. this happens when they are temporarily distracted. as for example: Talking while driving and such from the blog that i have read it before and i totally agree with that opinion. safety while driving is very important don't you think?


Muhamad Faredzuan Bin Kamarulzaman
section (M08)

hanavynn said...

Everyone one of us has their own desure on hoe to raise money in a short time. Thus, these are 8 easy steps in how to make money in as fast as possible. Firstly, do blogging to promote your deals to your customers.
Secondly,silly little ideas that are good for a giggle are another way to make money online. Thirdly, develop a good product, get an excellent user base then you're in a nice position for Google to write you a cheque. Next, Be an expert in your field, get recognised and make appearances. Then,e an expert in your field and offer consultancy. Also,write a book as a piece of advice for "making money online" do bare with you. Other than that, Get friendly with Affiliate schemes. Last, but not least, excellent way of making money is to make something valuable and commercial and sell it to your customers.

anom lehan said...

From the article that i have read, i know that there must be a technique in drilling and it is important to understand it. Hole drilling is the most common operation performed on a vertical machining center. Although it seem simple, but it will become one of the most challenging operating involves drilling deep holes. There are three strategies for deep-hole drilling. Firstly, evacuating chips without damaging the surface finish. Then, delivering coolant to keep the drill and workpiece material cool. Lastly, minimizing the cycle time. The other important factors included accuracy, repeatability and surface finish. If the chip are long and stringy, it can damage surface finish and cause premature tool wear or breakage. So, the chips must be small enough to move up the tool's flutes and out of the way. Coolant has to get to the tool tip to keep the tool and workpiece cool, as well as force chips out of the hole. To hit targets for accuracy, repeatability and surface finish
, the rigid machine tool with a good damping characteristics and low spindle runout is required. When the drill geometry is right, it will make deep-hole drilling operation much more efficient.


maya said...

Hi everyone..,
The article that I had read is actually written by Jennifer Buckley. The article title is “not another sleepless night” that tell about tips to get enough bed time. it have some tips to avoid sleepless regularly such as visualize something peaceful in our bed room, try one of the many herbal teas or capsules, and listen to sell tapes, records and CD’s with the sounds of nature like water flowing, rain falling and ocean waves rolling onto shore that tends to relaxing our mind. If nothing seems to be working, consider to seeing a doctor. It could be more than just anxious thoughts keeping us from snoozing. Good luck and I hope we could get enough bed time and sweet dreams after try these simple steps.



Anonymous said...

Should we be clone?”
Human cloning is the great achievement in science. Maybe we can be able to create copious geniuses like Einstein , Edison and Isaac Newton by human cloning. But I disagree with human cloning since it has more bad effects than good ones. How would you imagine life without a dignity of humans?
The disadvantages to human cloning are very clear. One of the most noticeable is that the cloned child will have the parent clone's medical history. The cloning of human is ethically and morally wrong. Besides, cloning human results in harmful physical and psychological effects. One of those effects is the loss of identity, or the lost sense of uniqueness and individuality.
We should looked at the bad effects of human cloning. We should not be clone for become a better person because it will creates serious problem in our identity.
Source :


dhurga said...

Murukku is a traditional Indian snack which can be found easily during Deepavali season. From the article I read, I know that murukku origins from Tamilnadu. Adding coconut milk in the snack's batter make it much more tastier. In order to get a crispier murukku we can add ghee to it. Nowadays murukku is becoming a very popular savoury among people. Even in the overseas murukku is being manufactured industrially. In Malaysia, other than indians people from other races also interested to add murukku with their occasional cookies. In addition to it, nowadays the cooking process of murukku is easy as ready-made packets are available. Nevertheless, the traditional way to make murukku is fading slowly among indians. Hence, the knowledge should be passed to younger generations gradually.



Saiful 7 said...

I read an article about my opinion,drugs is very useful to us if we us it the right way.Prescription drug are medications that should only be used as prescribed but teens nowadays use it to get 'high' to release tension after finishing their exam schedule.These scenario is increasingly becoming more popular among them.furthermore,peer pressure make them more attracted to misuse the pescription drugs..


SB 09061
Section 2

KW89UMP said...

It is a relief for standard six students that the Ujian Penilaian Sekolah Rendah is over. However, it is sad to see the pupils who had hoped to get 5As or 7As losing their confidence just because of the Bahasa Malaysia Pemahaman Paper. The language used was of a high standard which they had difficulty to understand. These students who had been working hard for the past six years came out of the exam hall feeling dejected. So, it is hoped that the questions set in future better more suited to Year Six standard.


Zulhilmi100709 said...

if i am a billionair i will spend an amount of the money to buy a dream supercar.if i have given the chance i will choose to have Ferrari GTO.why i choose this supercar rather than others?for me it is still one of the most beautiful shapes ever to grace a Ferrari chassis.the GTO also dominated the World Sports Car championship has prove to us that GTO is a great car in millenium era.What we have here is probably the greatest road and track car ever made and it is GTO, the one does not have in other supercars.It combines sexy styling, championship-winning engineering and only have 39 copies exist and all have colorful is very worthy for car lovers.once you got it you will fill the world like yours.

azim said...

do know why tungsten alloy adopted in military..??
nowadays, tungsten alloy is increasingly adopted as the raw material to make parts of military products, such as bullet, armor and shells, shrapnel head, grenade and many more.For your information, mostly tungsten alloys commonly used in kinetic energy penetrators, where they are in direct competition with depleted uranium. In fact, in the World War Ⅱ, tungsten has already been used as an important raw material to make weapons for military defense. There is abundant wolframite ore reserves found then in Portugal, which is used to produce tungsten concentrates.

source :

nazirul azim bin mohd asri

bengleng said...

Most newer production engine at nowadays already equipped with Variable Valve Timing and valve Lift using electronic Control.Like VTEC for Honda,Mivec for Mitsubishi,vvtl-i for Toyota,and CPS for Proton the national car maker.By using Variable Valve Timing and valve Lift technology,the internal combustion engine does not need use forced-induction system like turbocharge system to produce same horsepower when forced-induction system are used.The Principal of this Variable Valve Timing and Valve Lift system are using two camshaft profiles and electronically selects between the profiles.One profiles of low revolution per minute(rpm) but better fuel efficiency and another profiles for higher rpm to achieve more horsepower.When at high rpm the onboard computer will automatically change it cam profile to higher cam profile make the valve lift more so more air will get in the combustion chamber.By that more horsepower will produce.
Tan Beng Leng

r3y2 said...

The car technology was improved day by day.People nowdays can enjoy and experiences themselve to drive using automatic or manual transmission because there are such a lot of the car have been produced by using this technology.Semi-autos, or manumatics,are usually traditional automatic transmission that offer a"slap-stick" to shift from one gear to the next. Over the last 10years they have become popular in everything from a Toyota Camry to other car. It doesn't change the everyday driving of the car, it simply gives the driver the ability to have manual transmission dynamics.Many poeple call them "sequential automatics" or "Tiptronic". These systems are completely different and found in sportier cars. A sequential transmission is the opposite of a manumatic.semi-automatic system is designed to offer the best of both manual and automatic gearshifts.There's no clutch pedal, so in manual mode the clutch is operated automatically, while the driver operates the gearstick to change gear. In automatic mode, the car takes care of the gear change as well.


bakkeong said...

Everyday, we can see people using simple mechanics theory to decrease their massive work. Moving boulder, transfer cartons of box, and more are apply using the simple tools. Sleds, ramps, roller, and levers are very common thing in our daily life. All this things was used from the past century and today we all still using it. With just little chance and creativity, we can move up the boulder with just 10% of force of the weight of the boulder. Sometimes it depends the structure of the tools, as written in the article, we just need some cheap raw material and follow the step, we can build the tool that help us in moving boulder. One last thing to mention, everyday we live under the knowledge of mechanics, therefore we should use it well.

Ng Yew Keong

princess_sshira said...

Nowadays, we can read from many articles about a discovery of drug. Our first expression when we hear about drug usually about it's negative effect. But,our bad expression must be change. this is because drug is very important especially in medical field. From the article that i had read shows that there are a new research about drug to treat Parkinson's disease. This disease is very serious and give a bad effect to the patient. The disease can be inherited from a parents. The effect of this disease is progressive deterioration of motor function including involuntary shaking, slowed movement, stiffened muscles, and impaired balance. A cyclic peptide Cyclic that suppress alpha-synuclein toxicity could be candidate drugs for Parkinson's disease. This research is not completely finish yet. A research is continuously be made to get a better result.

princess_sshira said...

Nowadays, we can read from many articles about a discovery of drug. Our first expression when we hear about drug usually about it's negative effect. But,our bad expression must be change. this is because drug is very important especially in medical field. From the article that i had read shows that there are a new research about drug to treat Parkinson's disease. This disease is very serious and give a bad effect to the patient. The disease can be inherited from a parents. The effect of this disease is progressive deterioration of motor function including involuntary shaking, slowed movement, stiffened muscles, and impaired balance. A cyclic peptide Cyclic that suppress alpha-synuclein toxicity could be candidate drugs for Parkinson's disease. This research is not completely finish yet. A research is continuously be made to get a better result.

tuan nur shahira tuan ibrahim
section 1

MeLLy_LuV said...

oh no!!!
I hate this situation.The final exam is around the corner.I need to prepare about the exam before that day.All the subject,i need to cover up in a week.I feel like to die.But I never give up.No pain,no gain.I need to overcome the stress wisely.I must be relax and cool.First,I must pray a lot to God.Remember that god is alwayz be with us.Don't afraid about our journey.We must go on and work hard for the best and wonderful world.Second,I take the balanced diet.Take care of myself important too.Lastly,I do my exercise every weekend to make sure my body healthy.All the best to all my friends.Good luck in your exam.


apple_april said...

did ever dream to have a flying car?
now, flying car will came out from ur dream..
hahaha... i ever read about an article about flying car.flying car actually exits in our reality life.but there have a few technical problems exits during the testing drive.if this technical errors does not exits..maybe we can try this flying car soon if we have a lot of money to buy it.hopefully, one day we can have a person that can try to built up this car and make our dream came true.



mal said...
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mal said...

The w16 engine have a sixteen cylin der piston internal combustion engine in a W configuration. It consist of two banks of eight cylinder, couple to single. This w16 engine only produce by Volkswagen Group in automotive manufacturer. In the w16 engine spect, the new producing of w16 engine for Bugatti Veyron car note that the design is differs from the W18 engine that Volkswagen produced for its Bugatti concept cars of 1998 and 1999. The narrow angle of each set of cylinders allows just two camshafts to drive each pair of banks, so just four are needed in total. For this reason, the engine is sometimes described as a WR16.


Pakku said...

Space vacation is now quite popular right now..but at the same time the cost to pay for the vacation is to high and only affordable to those millionare..The rich person take an easy way to make themselves become an asronauts..with paying over 35 million their dream come true..So it an oppurtunity only for rich person...and such dream not even close to come true for those want to be an astronauts..At the same time, it is a good way to make this space vacation a place for bussiness...So NASA thinking about want to make a hotel in outer space...that is a brilliant idea..Thinking of vacation outer of space...



--ALiPp-- said...

The SMART Tunnel is among the latest and the biggest tunnel in the world. Many television channel has made their coverage about this mega project such as The Discovery Channel. This is because, it is among almost very impossible tunnel to construct because of its structure. But,with the help of many expert, the tunnel can be made and become one of our pride. The function of this tunnel is, it is use to reduce the traffic jam in the city center. But the most important, it is build to control the flash flood at K.L.



NuRuLLLL said...

Network topology is the physical interconnection of the elements of a computer network. This topology divided into many types.For example,bus topology,tree topology, star topology,ring topology and many more.
The common use type of topology are bus,star and ring topology.Each connection have their differences such as bus topology and star topoly.Both of topologies have differences in their central connection.
For star topology,it can have more than one cable.Means the entire of star topology, will be fail if the hub is breakdown but if the cable is breakdown, only one computer network acces will be not functioning.

FA 09041

PHOON said...

Tittle: Home has been a hell for child

What is a family for? This question keeps on disturbing my mind after seeing this news on the web. Aren’t home should be the safest place for us? Aren’t our parent is the one who always protect us from being harm? Aren’t families are those who will always there when we are in trouble and fully support us?
I really could not understand that how could they do this to their own child, the child that they have carried for nine month and give born with the risk of death. It is really hard to believe that such cruel and cold-blooded parents appear in this world.
The little boy(Ondra) in this was tortured by his own mother(other family members are in suspected of involving in this case) through kept locked up in a tiny windowless space, lying naked with bound hands and feet, regularly deprived of food and water and was made to eat his own vomit.
The effect on this abused child can be clearly seen through his attitude such as he was scared of everything, and he was terrified of being left in the dark. Later on he started playing but there are a lot of abnormal reactions that indicate what he must have gone through.
Even though we are keep developing in science, but we start losing our moral value in the flow of evolution, and seem like this will getting worse until we (so called human) will start to act like an animal which has lost sense of humanity.
Parents should be aware of your responsibility towards your child, every act that you did will deeply affect their life. For those who haven’t prepared to be parent, please keep in mind that to educated a child is a whole life career, if you are not yet ready for this life-long challenging career, don’t start it.

FA 09042
F 02LB

penyapu terbang said...

From the article I read, I can conclude that symptoms of food poisoning depend on the type of contaminant and the amount eaten. The symptoms can develop rapidly, within 30 minutes, or slowly, worsening over days to weeks. Most of the common contaminants cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramping. Actually, food poisoning can be caused by not cooking food at the right temperature and/or for the right length of time, not chilling food at the correct temperature, the food being handled by someone who has not washed their hands properly, people eating expired food, and cross-contamination. The most important thing is to make sure you do not become dehydrated because this will make you feel worse and slow your recovery time. Dehydration is a risk because fluid is lost through vomiting and diarrhoea.



ser said...

I just read an article from the internet, It is about the Malaysia-Singapore bridge. As we know, the bridge is connected between Malaysia and Singapore. The purpose of doing this bridge is reduce the traffic congestion at the Johor-Singapore Causeway. Although the bridge give us as citizen many advantages, it is a lot of problem of policy. Actually there are many arguement between Singapore and Malaysia. For example, our previous prime minister, Dr. Mahathir give suggestion to build 1 new bridge to replace the older 1. but there are a lot of objection from Singapore and come from Malaysia as well. Due of this, he finally resign his prime minister job and replace with Abdullah. However the bridge problem until now, still havent to solve because of many issue from Singapore.According the article, i hope that these problem can solve, because i feel that if the problem cant solve, Johor citizen will be the victim.



Anonymous said...

For centuries, the wind has been used to sail ships, grind grain and pump water. Today, the wind is also used to make electricity. Blowing wind spins the blades on a wind turbine just like a large toy pinwheel. Modern wind turbines usually have just two or three blades that turn when the wind blows.
The blades on wind turbines can be up to 82 feet (25 metres) long. The blades drive a generator that produces electricity, much like steam turbines. Wind turbines are placed on towers because the wind blows harder and more steadily above the ground.
Large groups of wind turbines, called wind farms or wind plants, are connected to electric utility power lines and provide electricity to many people. New turbine designs now take advantage of less windy areas by using better blades, more electronic controls and other improvements. Some new turbines can also operate efficiently over a wide range of wind speeds.


SaLLy said...

Source of article:

The topic of the article that I had read is about science, engineering and technology.
The distinction between science, engineering and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety.
Engineering is the goal-oriented process of designing and making tools and systems to exploit natural phenomena for practical human means, often (but not always) using results and techniques from science. Technology is often a consequence of science and engineering — although technology as a human activity precedes the two fields. Scientists and engineers may both be considered technologists; the three fields are often considered as one for the purposes of research and reference. Before reading this article, I was confused about these 3 fields and always mixed them up. After getting all the information from the article, I am able to distinguish some differences between them and I hope it can help in my study especially in the engineering course I am studying now.


SaLLy said...

Source of article:

The topic of the article that I had read is about science, engineering and technology.
The distinction between science, engineering and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety.
Engineering is the goal-oriented process of designing and making tools and systems to exploit natural phenomena for practical human means, often (but not always) using results and techniques from science. Technology is often a consequence of science and engineering — although technology as a human activity precedes the two fields. Scientists and engineers may both be considered technologists; the three fields are often considered as one for the purposes of research and reference. Before reading this article, I was confused about these 3 fields and always mixed them up. After getting all the information from the article, I am able to distinguish some differences between them and I hope it can help in my study especially in the engineering course I am studying now.


siewmei said...

Disaster is the tragedy of a natural or human-made hazard that negatively affects society or environment. It can be defined as any tragic event that comes with great loss to a country. When disaster strikes, developing countries will suffer more when compared to industrialized or developed countries. Disaster comes in two ways. Natural Disaster is a consequence when a natural hazard affect humans while man-made disaster is caused by human action, ignorance and mistake or involving the failure of a system. Disaster can be avoided by making early warning strategies, prepare redevelopment plans if disaster strikes, mobilize resources and help in rehabilitation and post-disaster reconstruction.


hidayah90 said...

for this site, i would like to lend some comment regardings the article that i have read.. the title of the article is TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY... when we said the word technology means that we are in the new era of global world.. Though we have not hit the bull’s eye yet but still the search is on. Scientists and researchers all over the world are spending sleepless nights on their projects to find an all-pervasive alternative to fossil fuels. How can we utilize the alternative energy technology for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) When we think about the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) we think of saving human resource, undoubtedly the most precious resource of any nation. But UAVs have some drawbacks too. They can’t fly to the far and distant places because after traveling certain distance an aircraft needs refueling. And here we face the disadvantage of UAVs. They can’t refuel. But if they utilize solar energy they can travel more and work more effectively in enemy’s territory... this shown that, the technology of the newest transportation in our world is growing day by day...We all are waiting for a miracle to happen that can effortlessly replace the fossil fuel and we don’t even feel the change over and go on with our lives as usual. These kinds of transitions have happened as is the case with iron and wood. Many things made of iron and wood got quietly replaced by plastic and the transition was quiet smooth. When the Iron Age got converted to plastic age, we never realized. But the same thing doesn’t seem to be happening with fossil fuel. So the current strategy followed by environment conscious people is, replace fossil fuels in bits and pieces or rather take baby steps till something big and wonderful happens. We are hearing about ecological homes, electric cars, solar energy powered bus stops etc. Now we are hearing about the green jet yacht meeting the eco-friendly green standard... for instance, this lead us to the future of modernisation..
thank you..


ALYNN said...
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ALYNN said...

Ive read about pyramid built by the ancient Egyptians.They built pyramids as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens. The pharaohs were buried in pyramids of many different shapes and sizes from before the beginning of the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom.Do you know how many pyramids known from the ancient Egypt? There are about 138 pyramids! The three largest and best-preserved of these were built at Giza at the beginning of the Old Kingdom. The most well-known of these pyramids was built for the pharaoh Khufu. It is known as the 'Great Pyramid'.In order to built such a perfect pyramid,there are many thing that should be taken seriously.Khufu's architects were wise and experienced men. They knew the importance of building the pharaoh's final resting place so that its sides faced directly north, south, east and west.They planned a large pyramid- the largest one ever built in ancient Egypt. The outlines of the pyramid were measured and marked in the desert sand.Then the building began. Large blocks of stone were cut from quarries nearby. They were dragged by groups of men across the desert to the site of the pyramid and set in place. Most of the workers were farmers who worked on building the pyramid during the flood season when their fields were under water. After the first level of blocks was in place, the workers built ramps of mudbrick, limestone chips and clay. The workers dragged the large stones up the ramps to build the next level of the pyramid. For about 20 years, hundreds of men worked on building the pyramid. As they built each level, they also built up the ramps around the pyramid.For me , this general knowlegde is useful in our daily life as we all know, they have a high ability in building, creativity, and excellent thinking skill. we should make them as an example in order to have a successful life.

aReLyn said...

Cosmetic is common for female and one of the example is lip gloss.Lip Gloss is rather distributed as a viscous liquid cosmetic product in the domestic market. Lip Gloss is only meant for extra shining of th elips when visiting public places. The uniqueness of lip glosses is that some of the glosses have moisturizing benefits for the ultimate protection of the natural lips of a human-being and a lip gloss isn’t just used upon by women but men are also susceptible to apply lip glosses for moisturizing.Now various lip glosses are coming in various flavored ways for ex strawberry gloss.


Hajar Rasdi said...

Today, I have read an article about Mitsubishi Lancer. I want to share about my dream’s car that I need in my life. For me, I like this car because it look so sporty and have its own aura. I really like the black or white one. The latest type of this kind of car is Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart Sportback but I prefer to have Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. This car have two litre, turbocharged engine and four-wheel drive system. Other than called as sports car, the Mitsubishi Lancer also can be classify as sport compact cars, and World Rally Car.



kadir said...

I have read an article about the latest version of Microsoft operating system (OS), Windows 7 and that's get me excited to use it...Now,i already use it and i feel very satisfied with its perfomance. From time to time, Microsoft have developed an improvemet to its OS from the aspects of features, interfaces, performances and user-friendly. Windows 7 is what Vista should have been in the public eye which is a solid OS with plenty of modern eye candy that mostly succeeds in taking Windows usability into the 21st century.

abdul kadir bin samta

Bel said...

Here are a story I wanna share. In a war torn country a sister was separated from his younger brother. Been missing for 6 months she feared the worst - his brother, the one she cared for and loved the most is shot dead by the enemy. She can't even bear to see the door of his brother's room. Her mind keep recalling how his brother would happily come out of it, greet everybody and eager to learn new things. His smile, his laughter, his energy - she sorely miss it. The pain is so much that smile began to fade from her face. One day, her smile was gone. Together with her voice and her will to live.

She saw troops coming, but it is not the enemies. They are peacekeepers and relief workers. The troops seems to be looking for something, using devices that looks like mine detectors. But that's odd as the place have been cleared of mines last week. Then the troops started digging. Not just a few troop but almost the whole squad together with machinery. As they dig deeper and deeper only then she realize what they are doing. They are digging a mass grave, a proof of the enemy's ruthlessness.

Lots of bodies are uncovered. The stench unbearable. The bodies wrangled like vines of a writhing tree.

"My brother is one of them," she said to herself.

That breaks her heart.

The troops worked round the clock to identify each body. Using whatever tools and information that they have to put a name to the lifeless bodies.

True enough, her fears come true. The news hit her like a rushing train. She felt herself being knocked out of this world. She lost the reason to live, the world is meaningless to her.

The troops symphatize her but they are hapless in the matters of the heart. They can't even say soothing words to her as they don't speak her language. Then come a small relief team, not troops but an NGO. The troops meet up with the group and asked, "Do you have a psychiatrist among you?".

The group leader pointed to the team psychiatrist - a doctor. The troop told him of the story of the girl and then bring the doctor to her.

The doctor also don't speak the girl's language yet he shared the same faith as her. As opposed to the troops whom doesn't have anything in common with her. The doctor counselled her through an interpreter, a fellow sister whom her study for a degree halted because of the war. The interpreter not only convey the words from the doctor to the girl and vice versa but also together with the emotions. The doctor reminds her to hold fast to God, and the reasons why she must go on with life.

That opened her heart a little. She began to smile again after months without any smile.

The doctor thanked Allah, grateful that he helped to bring back a smile, and a life.

Well this story is based on the story shared by Dr Azhar Abd Aziz of MERCY Malaysia at IIUM, Kuantan.

(source :


danny said...

what will u do when there are a lot of food in front of u sure that u all will eat it even u all not hungry. that was called Binge Eating. Binging is something which we do when we are not hungry but eat because we are presented food in front of us or around us. Binging is the root cause of unhealthy lifestyle. Binge eating consists of episodes of uncontrollable overeating.Binge eating starts with emotional eating and leads up to lifestyle where even if you feel tiny bit of discomfort you end up reaching for food, which you think makes you feel good instead it makes you lethargic, lazy and obese with loads of health problems physically and ensure that our health is in pink of colour, we all should avoid this feeding habbits...

mohamad zikril hakim bin md saleh


I just read an interesting fact about love. For me, love has many meanings according to different ages, status and where the person come from. Love is basically opposite of hate, lust and friendship. Cultural difference makes explaining love is more difficult to establish any universal definition. Love can be divided into interpersonal love and impersonal love. Impersonal love means that a person can be said to love a country, principle or goal if they value it greatly. People can also love materials, animals and activities. In contrast, interpersonal love can be described by love between human beings. This love can be love between family members, friends and couples. For me as a young student that has many goals to be achieved, my love is now with Allah, my family and friends. But that real love for a man can be wait until I finish my degree. =)


Bel said...

Here I brought some reasons to smile. =)
Smiling makes us attractive. We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away ,but a smile draws them in.
Smiling changes our mood. Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
Smiling is Contagious. When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.
Smiling Relieves Stress. Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.
Smiling Boosts Your Immune System. Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. revent the flu and colds by smiling.
Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure. When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home.
Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?
Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin. Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.
Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger. The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day!you'll look younger and feel better.
Smiling Makes You Seem Successful. Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
Smiling Helps You Stay Positive
Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

(source : iluvislam )


yus_zain said...
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miss A said...

Hmm..drinking a cup of coffee in the morning have always been people’s favourite throughout the world. It is one of the most favourite morning and evening beverages. I’m also one of its fans. In fact, I drink coffee almost everyday because people can be addicted to coffee because of its rich aroma and strong taste. Despite being one of the favourite beverages, not many people know the benefits that we can get from drinking a cup of coffee. I bet that not all of you know that drinking a cup of coffee everyday can reduced the risk of Alzheimer disease. This is because the caffeine existed in the coffee can stimulates our neurons and nerves hence reducing the risk from getting the Alzheimer disease. Coffee can also acts as minor pain reducer as it can be like some kind of mild drugs that can acts just like paracetamol although it is not as effective. Plus, seriously illness like cancer can be prevented as coffee contains antioxidant agent in it. There’s more benefits that we can get from drinking coffee but what I have discussed here are more than enough. So, have no worries and take your cup of coffee in the morning to have you ready for your day. But remember not to overdose it because you can be toxified. In fact, everything that we eat or drink in critical quantities can harm our health.

Article reprinted. Courtesy: Bloggle: The Coffee Odyssey


rien_gurlz said...

From the article that I’ve read, dementia is a serious cognitive disorder. It can caused stroke and heart problems. Dementia is a non-specific illness syndrome (set of signs and symptoms) in which affected areas of cognition may be memory, attention, language, and problem solving. For those who is suffering from high pressure need to be treated with a diuretic that can reduce the risk to get serious diseases like stroke and dementia. One of the ways to get a good healthy life is having a balanced diet especially in taking of fats to control the level of blood pressure in the body.



nono said...

Pollution, a great problem that the whole world want to solve for over twenty years. But still, this problem keep happen and the most funny thing is, it has becoming even worst than before. Scientist keep inventing new product that can reduce the harm that we done to our Earth. But that does not mean that we can solve this problem by only reducing the harm. What we need to do is remove all the harm that will done towards our mother nature. But this method will not success. This is because human will not put their luxury life away just to solve the pollution problem. Let me ask all of you a simple question, car is the main cause of global warming, will you prefer walking to school instead of driving to school? Of course you will say no. you will say the distance between your house and school is far and many more accuse. If all of us think like this, how we can solve the pollution problem? Some of you will say this is not your own responsible, we should leave it to governor. How to solve a problem if there is no cooperation between government and citizen. So, if you still think pollution is not only your fault, please read this comment again and you may have different point of view.
Lee Chei Ming
F 02 LB

Rara Nora said...

Hello everyone,
from the article that i have read,
i can say that Boho style is the style of fashion free-thinkers. Feeling beautiful and unique is important to any girl. Sadly, clothes cost MONEY, which is growing more and more scarce these days. Well, take it from someone who doesn't have much money to spend on clothes; boho style is the hottest, most fun, and most self-expressive look you can find without spending a ridiculous amount of cash. nowadays many celebs is starting to follow this trends like mary kate n ashley olsen.with the perfect match of accesories n cloth the boho style is really gonna suites you!


nadya farhana said...
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nadya farhana said...
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nadya farhana said...

Hi everyone................
Today I want to share something about what I have read.May be most of us already know what is herb, but let me adding some information here.'Passiflora' is one of the herbs type,it is very wonderful herbs to use especially for students like us.Lacking of sleep may be bring us a great effect for our body.Our body will become weaker and fatigue.So,how to make us sleep well,may be you can try some? We should practice a healthy life style as a student.


yus_zain said...

from this article that i have read,"a hybrid car" (HEV)it's a combination a conventional internal combustion engine propulsion system with an electric propulsion system.
firstly when the car start moving it use the normal engine till the hybrid engine collect enough power by charging from the rotary of the petrol concept same with "dynamo" used to we know,when the bicycle tyre moving,the dynamo wheel touch the tyre to make rotation in the dynamo magnetic,from the continuous rotation,the electricity will produced.we can take that principle apply in hybrid engine but it have electric collector.
after a few miles car moving,the petrol engine will stop fuction and the hybrid will take over.this process will change automatically between this two engine.
the advantages are we can reduce petrol using and safe our world by decrease air pollution.but it also have bad effect such reduce car power.we will lose fun in driving but it's good to safe our nature.

Mohamad yusri bin mohamad zin

aida said...
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aida said...

Electric switchboard is a device that direct electricity from one source to another.Each point contain switches that allow electricity to be redirected.Inside the switchboard there is a bank of burs bar.These allow the flow of large current through switchboard.So,i would like to suggest that precaution should be taken while working on a live switchboard to prevent any accident.


Ice Ong said...

Cloning brings a lot of benefit to human beings. Main purpose of cloning is to rejuvenation of any part of the body, such as liver, heart and kidney. It is also useful in cosmetics surgery field. It can clone bone, fat, connective tissue, or cartilage that suits the patient.
Cloning can also be use on plants to produce a lot of nutritious food in a large amount. It can also produce more plants that can withstand droughts so it won't be easily perish.
Cloning brings a lot of pros more than cons.


FA 09094

syed irsyad said...

the beatles.the best pop rock band from liverpool,uk.their group consist of john lennon(vocal and rhythm guitar),george harrison(lead guitar and backup vocal),stu stutcliffe(bassit) and pete best(drummer).the beatles is one of my favourite band.i love their music so much.they have made social and culture revolutions on 1960.their influance can be feel nowdays.their known as fab four because of this band consist of four player.nearly four decades after their breakup,the beatles music continues to be popular nowdays.


syed irsyad said...

the beatles.the best pop rock band from liverpool,uk.their group consist of john lennon(vocal and rhythm guitar),george harrison(lead guitar and backup vocal),stu stutcliffe(bassit) and pete best(drummer).the beatles is one of my favourite band.i love their music so much.they have made social and culture revolutions on 1960.their influance can be feel nowdays.their known as fab four because of this band consist of four player.nearly four decades after their breakup,the beatles music continues to be popular nowdays.


niejar said...

For my opinion,
Bob marley is a greatest name in music industry in Holloywood especially in genre raggae.He become the idol for many musician because his attitude and his love to music.His attention for the unlucky person show how kind his attitude.his message about one love incresingly spreading the world and make him become a fantastif person i known.In holloywood,we can see how famous of bob marley.there show marley'star at star walk in holloywood.lastly,bob marley always in my heart and hope rest in peace.


nik hapis said...

have read an article about the supercars..the supercar that i mention here is the enzo ferrari.The Enzo Ferrari, also known as Ferrari Enzo, is a 12 cylinder mid-engine berlinetta named after the company's founder, Enzo Ferrari. It is currently one of the most powerful naturally aspirated production cars.[citation needed] It was built in 2002 using Formula One technology, such as a carbon-fibre body, F1-style sequential shift transmission, and Carbon fibre-reinforced Silicon Carbide (C/SiC) ceramic composite disc brakes. Also used are technologies not allowed in F1 such as active aerodynamics and traction control. After a downforce of 775 kg (1,709 lb) is reached at 348.8 km/h (217 mph) the rear wing is actuated by computer to maintain that downforce.

The Enzo's V12 engine is the first of a new generation for Ferrari. It is based on the architecture of the V8 found in sister-company Maserati's Quattroporte, using the same basic architecture and 104 mm (4.1 in) bore spacing. This design will replace the former architectures seen in V12 and V8 engines used in most other contemporary Ferraris. The 2005 F430 is the second Ferrari to get a version of this new powerplant.

In 2004, Sports Car International named the Enzo Ferrari number three on their list of Top Sports Cars of the 2000s.

Motor Trend Classic named the Enzo as number four in their list of the ten "Greatest Ferraris of all time".

source from wikipedia(ferrari enzo)


eka said...

Modern medical therapies have a lot of side effects.In general, the more drastic the intervention, the more likely and more severe the adverse outcomes. Thus, massage therapy and dietary modifications-examples of external and internal therapies which are usually not considered drastic-have relatively few and minor adverse effects.Chinese herbal therapies that have been used in China over the past 2,000 years include toxic herbs, herbs used in large doses, and herbs that are intended to produce strong reactions so as to save the patient from a serious disease.Sweet herbs like raw licorice root can dissolve all poisonous effect of drugs.Ginger can inhibit the toxicity of crude aconite.While jujube can protect the liver from damage.Herbs in Traditional Chinese Medicine being able torelieve metallic and drug poisoning, for preventing and treating the poisoning of lead, arsenic, alcohol, and aconite.


siti hajar said...

I would like to share about health technologies. Health technologies make a difference in helping us lead better lives. In Malaysia, there is a wide range of sophisticated equipment available. The equipments make prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation easy choices for us. We even have advanced diagnostic equipment such as the CT Scan, MRI and PET/CT Scan which are one of the most powerful tools in cancer diagnosis and staging. The development of health technologies in our country is in line with the technologies available in developed countries.
Today, a patience that has undergone knee replacement surgery can walk briskly. This advanced treatment is the result of thirty years of development. Knee replacement surgeries were introduced sometime in early 1970’s and has since been refined to be one of the most successful surgical procedures for treatment of knee arthritis. Now knee replacement surgeries can also be conducted through a navigated surgery which uses the Navigation System. This system improves the results of the procedure. The system empowers surgeons to accurately fit new implants to the parts of the body. This results in better placement resulting in an extended life and optimal joint positioning. It restores mobility in the patient and decreases the possibility of having to undergo revision surgery. It also helps to quicken recovery and improves the quality life of the patient.

Anonymous said...

i have read abot calture in malaysia. we know our country have diffrent calture. we have malay,chinese, indian,sabah and sarawak. malay calture famous with their wayang kulit. chinese calture famous with their dragon dance. indian famous with their bunga malai. sarawak with their sumpit and sabah with their maggagong.


lolipop sweet said...

Last week i aready presant about the functioning of cooler.
Than here i know that a lot types of cooler in the market.
May be many of people do not care about the function of cooler. Cooler is once of the thing that used to cool the leptop.
In the market now have many of cooler, but once of that cooler i like to discuss is the my1os cooler.
Where this cooler have a speaker and light.
Here we can see the product of manufecturing engineering that will create something new product that have multifunction.
Cooler must be used to lep top because without cooler the leptop cannot be function efficantly.
My10s cooler model have 2 fan and light, you can choose the colour of light(red, blue, yellow) than it have a speaker to increase the sound of leptop.
About the structure of this cooler i think it suitable used because the angle is between 15 until 20 degree, people can able to type.
that all


wkteh said...

The PlayStation 3 (officially abbreviated as PS3) is the third home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, and the successor to the PlayStation 2 as part of the PlayStation series. The PlayStation 3 competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game consoles.
A major feature that distinguishes the PlayStation 3 from its predecessors is its unified online gaming service, the PlayStation Network,which contrasts with Sony's former policy of relying on video game developers for online play. Other major features of the console include its robust multimedia capabilities, connectivity with the PlayStation Portable, and its use of a high-definition optical disc format, Blu-ray Disc, as its primary storage medium. The PS3 was also the first Blu-ray 2.0-compliant Blue-ray player on the market. With this game device introduce to the world, I guess there will be a lot of gamers will try their best to get 1 for their own.
Teh Weng Khuin M08 MA09088

GenG ParanG said...


Mercedes-Benz has produced a sports car with McLaren Cars, an extension of the collaboration by which Mercedes engines are used by the Team McLaren Mercedes Formula One racing team, which is part owned by Mercedes. The 2003 Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren has a carbon fiber body with a 5.4l V8 supercharged engine.

far said...

nowadays,the temperature of our earth was rised.many disaster occur and cause many human dead.the main effect of greenhiuse effect is global warming.greenhouse gases trapped at atmosphere and cause the heat energy to reflect bact to the earth.this will cause the temperature rises and lead the another disaster such as flood,earthquake and many more to occur.


nurul fariha bt mohamad

shanks21 said...

from the articles that i have read,the song "You'll Never Walk Alone", originally from the Rodgers and Hammerstein musical Carousel and later recorded by Liverpool musicians Gerry & The Pacemakers, is the club's anthem, and has been sung by the Anfield crowd since the early 1960s. It has since gained popularity among fans of other clubs around the world.The song's title adorns the top of the Shankly Gates, which were unveiled on 2 August 1982 in memory of the former manager Bill Shankly. The "You'll Never Walk Alone" portion of the Shankly Gates is also reproduced on the club's crest.

Mohamad Zulhisyam Bin Mohd Razmi

ファーアミラ said...
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ファーアミラ said...


Hi there,
I have read the article about the invention of the telephone.
Ofcoures by now, everyone in ther world should know about the famous telephone inventor Alexander Graham Bell. But, some people might still not now the whole story. Well then , I would like to tell you more about it.
The first practical telephone was actually invented independently by two men working in the United States, Elisha Gray and Scottish-born Alexander Graham Bell.Incredibly both men filed for a patent on their designs at the New York patent office on February 14, 1876, with Bell beating Gray by only two hours!. Although Gray had built the first steel diagram/ electromagnet receiver in 1874, he was not able to master the design of a workable transmitter until after Bell had. Bell had worked tirelessly, experimenting the various types of mechanisms, Gray had become discouraged.

According to the famous story, the first fully intelligible telephone call occured on March 6, 1876, when Bell, in one room, called to his assistant in another room. " Come here Watson, I want you" . Watson had heard the request through a receiver connected to he transmitter that Bell had designed, and what followed after the story was of the founding of the Bell Telephone Company ( later AT&T) which grew to be the largest telephone company in the world.

So, as to this, telephone is one of the greatest invention in the world. Telephone then expands to be the connection between one country with another. Without the invention of the telephone, the world may not be like it is now today. With the high technology that we have today, our world is a better place to live. We should be very thankful to the inventors that invented the technology for our use today.

FA 09040


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


I have read an article on how solar thermal power may make sun -powered grid a reality.
This article explains about the planted six solar dish engines of the Solar Thermal Test Facility at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico that looks like a giant, highly reflective satellite dishes.

Each one is a mosaic of 82 mirrors that fit together to form a wide 38 feet wide parabola.
The heat is used to run the Stirling engine, an elegant 192 year old technology that creates mechanical energy from an external heat source.

In my opinion, solar energy for our everyday life is crucial besides, it give in more benefits than jeopardy.
Solar energy from the sun is free and we can easily absorb sunlight.

source from:



sEiRaA said...

Prof Ir Shuib bin Sahudin,a fierce person yet a very caring person. He serves as a lecturer at Universiti Malayasia Pahang(UMP) and apparently works under The Faculty of Manufacturing,Mechatronic, and Technology Management. He used to teach Static and Engineering Material. Before coming to UMP,he already taught USM,UTP,UKM, and also worked as consultant to several international manufacturing companies. Which means,his experience in engineering and manufacturing is outstanding. Although he teach fiercely, but he really loves his students. And actually he's quite cute. Despite of his fierceness, he often chit-chat with his students friendly. At first,maybe students get bored with his teaching style. But later on,you'll notice that how grateful you are having Prof Ir Shuib as your lecturer.

Muhammad Syukur Bin Norman

sengbel said...

Title: Ocean "Dead Zones" Spreading Rapidly as Humans Pollute the Planet
When we come to the word “Dead zone”, I think most of the people will think it is an area or place full with dead people. But, I can tell you, you are totally wrong. Basically, Dead zones are areas where oxygen has become so depleted that little or no marine life is able to survive. They form when excessive plant nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, run off from the coast and lead to an explosion of algae blooms. Subsequently, this may lead to increased crowding pressure in other parts of the ocean. The major sources of the pollutants that produce dead zones are fertilizer runoff from industrial agriculture and nitrogen-based byproducts of fossil fuel use.



syima zainal said...
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syima zainal said...

Protecting your ears

This article is about how we can protect our ears. The tests were carried out from diners to railway stations, shopping malls to schoolyards reveal that almost all of us in these cities live, work and play surrounded by noise loud enough to cause hearing loss and while many noise-induced hearing loss prevention programmes and legislation has been in place, and they are often poorly implemented and enforced. If we already have hearing loss, it is more important for us to preserve what is left of our hearing. To protect our ears from hearing loss, we can try stay away from places that are loud and noisy, limit our exposure to loud noise if we cannot avoid it and try not to treat our ears to loud music through headphones on iPods or mp3 players. We can also seek treatment for ear infections and get our ears checked frequently if we are exposed to any of the risk factors of hearing loss.

Zaidatul syima binti zainal

sangpenyu said...

i read an article about Malaysia Petronas Tower. Malaysia Petronas Tower are the tallest twin tower on the planet. Building the 450M giant pushed the ultra limit of construction technology. From your information, every moments of the project brought drama and near disaster. But today they stand as symbol of malaysian pride and modernity. The mighty Petronas Tower height is nearly half of kilometres and that is very awesome for the country that never built a mega structure before. Cleaning 16,000 windows in just one tower take a month. Inside, 10,000 people live and work. I can say that, the tower is a city on the sky.


FA09080 (SECTION 4)

Anonymous said...

The article that I have read is about UPS power solution. In this electronics era, where most of the product operates with electricity, the needed to product like UPS and other power supply that can be back-ups to vital and crucical electronics components become increase.UPS is an effective power solution that not only provides power at the time of sudden failure but also provides fully protection during spikes and surges.


mashimaro said...
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mashimaro said...

From the article i have read I found that Samsung is a major force in global electronics, making not only consumer products but also key components such as memory chips and panels.Samsung Electronics Co. said third-quarter net profit tripled to a record amid higher prices for computer memory chips and increased sales of consumer products from flat screen televisions to mobile phones.IT can be concludes that Samsung has biggest market.
norfatin murshida mohamad nordin

kiki said...

The article that I have read is a review on Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W120. The properties of this sony cyber-shot camera is it weight just around 5.4 ounce with a baterry and memory stick duo-card and it can slips easily into most pocket. Besides that, on the backside of the camera, a 2.5 inch LRD leaves room for a small optical viewfinder.This camera can insert is 7 megapixel camera shooter.It is very good in camera size, so we can capture many things that we want. So, as a conclusion, this Sony-cyber-shot DSC-W120 is afine compact camera. Its quick perfomance, good picture quality and surprisngly robust feature set make it a solid choice in a budget category.

That all from me..


Wandering Ministrel said...

Windows 7 is an operating system developed by Microsoft, released on 22nd July 2009 and is expected to be available on sale on 22nd October 2009. Shortly speaking, the Window 7 is everything Windows Vista, its predecessor should be. Windows 7 comes with software and hardware compatibility of its predecessor. In addition to that, it's new graphical user interface is more intuitive and is less irritating to use. In terms of performance, Windows 7 have been stripped of all the resource-hogging but useless processes. It also comes with a better multi-core processor support, increased kernel (the core of the operating system) performance as well as a better support for multi-graphic cards (which is a plus for avid gamers). Several built-in application had been upgraded but the most note-worthy addition to Windows 7 is new Windows Media Center. All in all, Microsoft did a good job in exceeding everyone's expectation and Windows 7 is definitely worth the upgrade.


jaja_91 said...

Our best might be different each time we work out, study or compete. If we got to do some work, we got to give it our all. don't ever be down. Sometimes, our all might produces different results. You are doing your best. Your best is different every day. At any given time you can only do your best. Our best is "subjective" and is it dependent on many criteria including our physical,mental and environment condition. To be able to do your best you must support yourself in the best possible way, good sleep, good nourishment, good surroundings and a positive mental outlook. At the end of the day, if we know we really did our best, we shouldn't worry. we should say, "Well hey, I did my best". but, it does not meant to be used as an excuse. So relax and move on. Put all thoughts of failure and judgment aside. You did your best. Tomorrow you will do your best again.That's all anyone can ask of you and that's all you should ask of yourself.


Aina Syafiza Bt Jamalulail

Susan Chia said...

If you are asking me what is apple iTouch, I will totally answer, it is a Electronic Encyclopedia!!!

There are three main function for this iTouch. Firstly, it is a great ipod. Just like nano ipod from apple or compare to other brand MP4, it has the same function as playing music and video based on it's memory.

Secondly, it can be use as a pocket computer. You can use this iTouch to surf the web, check the email, or searching for map anytime as long as with the internet connectivity.

Thirdly, it function as portable gaming. You can use this for a rich, immersive gameplay using it's big big screen.

This iTouch is the latest product from apple that provide lots of function.The price can be acceptable based to the iTouch memory.




sumi said...
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sumi said...

I read an article about the Taj Mahal which is located in Agra, India. Taj Mahal is often described as one of the symbol of love.It is one of the eight wonders in the world too.It has an extraordinary and outstanding architecture because it was considered the finest structures in the world. The entire Taj Mahal was built just by using white marbles! Isn't it so amazing? That is not all.There is a wonderful love story that lies behind this beautiful monument. This Taj Mahal was actually built by an Emperor named Shah Jahan in the loving memory of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. The wife's grave was placed in Taj Mahal and after few years, the emperor's grave was placed beside her's. One day i wish to have a visit to Agra to see the beautiful Taj Mahal.


SB09063( SEC 2)

Alicia Beh said...

This article is such a good article because it helping me much on how to be a good listener especially when I am in the lecture hall. The words and the usage of words are very effective and suitable for this kinds of articles. I agree with all of this 7 tips for effective listening that is concentrate on what others are sayings, send the nonverbal message that you are listening, avoid early evaluations, avoid getting defensive, practice paraphrasing, listen and observe for feelings and last of all is asking questions if you do not understand certain things. I shall practice all of these tips in my class so I can be a good listener and understand more in what I have studied.

Alicia Beh.